Releases: ShipSoft/FairShip
- New analysis toolkit prototype added as part of the 'experimental' package.
- Simple analysis example script now available in 'examples/'
- Use ConstructedAt + std::swap to replace removed pythonization for TCA
- Octant symmetry was incorrect for B_z when using field maps (reported and fixed by M. Ferro-Luzzi)
- Tof calculation corrected in GenieGenerator.cxx, wrong units previously used.
- Genfit measurements now give the correct detector ID
- Fix TEvePointSetPrintOut
- Event Display: Fix drawing of MC and Geo tracks
Changed the dimension of the cave (ref.
- Updated dimensions of TCC8 and ECN3.
- Added a step in ECN3.
- Removed the coat of the absorber.
- Modified the dimensions of the HA and absorber.
Set Decay Volume Medium as helium (previously vacuums),can be explicitly switched to vacuum with --vacuums.
Medium of SST boxes will be the same as DecayVolumeMedium (previously, always vacuum)
Don't prune tracks (before we were using the CFL option to Track::prune, see
EventCalc LLP event generator
This modification to the EventCalc interface accommodates for generic N-body LLP decays.
- Remove Millepede
- Remove outdated example
- Remove ALPACA generator
New Contributors
- @eduard322 made their first contribution in #556
- @Gfrisella made their first contribution in #592
Full Changelog: 24.11...25.01
Release after first round of breaking changes. Requires CVMFS release ≥ 24.10.
Tagged for launch of background simulations.
- EventCalc LLP event generator
This modification introduces a first implementation of the EventCalc decay
event sampler in FairShip for inclusive final states. For further details,
consult the dedicated presentation at the 30th SHiP CM
here. See also #528. - Add a conversion script
to convert the
EventCalc output sampled kinematics (.dat) as input to the simulation script
(.root). Remark: This will eventually become unnecessary when this
conversion is implemented within the EventCalc tool itself.
- Fix missing includes in ecalMatch and ecalReco
- Fix compilation warnings due to unused or uninitiliazed variables #481
- shipStrawTracking: Move to argparse
- CMake: Use external genfit2
- shipStrawTracking, shipDigiReco, shipVertex: Make compatible with current genfit
- Remove obsolete renaming scripts
- Remove online, please see charmdet and muflux branches for respective versions
- Remove charmdet, please see charmdet branch for latest version
- Remove preshower and CaloDesign 1 (TP+Preshower)
- Remove bundled genfit
- Remove conditions DB, will almost certainly look different, copy in git
history for reference
Full Changelog: 24.10...24.11
24.10 - Freiburg
Tag release to prepare for breaking changes. Last release to include charm
cross-section measurement code, and obsolete detector configurations.
- Add option for helium-filled decay volume
- Add pre-commit config: This will be phased in to improve code quality and
spot issues as early as possible. Status visible in README and CI enabled for
new pull requests. - Add
- Add
to allow automatic reformatting etc. without
polluting git blame - Automatically built documentation using Doxygen
- Add CODEOWNERS file to automatically trigger reviews by the relevant experts
- Add different configuration files for vacuum /helium for the Decay Vessel
- Add option to enable/disable SND
- Remove trailing whitespace and fix line endings
- Fix compilation warnings due to deprecations #469
- Fix issue with SST parameters #489
- Cleaned up Veto Implementation
- Fix crash of event display, PID when no entrance lid present
- Close output file
- Remove unused (silently ignored!) argument for MuDISGenerator::SetPositions
- Update getGeoInformation command line interface
- Update SST geometry constants #483
- Housekeeping: Use same clang-format and clang-tidy config as FairRoot
- Decay Vessel configuration now imported from a yaml file
- Geometry of Decay Vessel updated to new design
- Housekeeping: Bump minimum CMake version to 3.12
- Housekeeping: Use FairRoot's
to find ROOT, VMC, fmt - Housekeeping: Bump minimum ROOT version to 6.26
- Housekeeping: Use find_package to find BOOST
- Housekeeping: Set FairLogger dep instead of manual includes
- Remove obsolete files related to old ways of installing or testing FairShip
- Remove uses of future and past modules #473
- Remove Geant3 dependency
- Remove unimplemented event display functions (see #497)
- Disable SND by default
- Housekeeping: Don't use CMake commands no longer provided by FairRoot 19
- Housekeeping: Remove old CMake for ROOT 5
- Remove old, outdated tracking script
Pull requests predating CHANGELOG
- Fix missing branchlist for MuonBack generator by @olantwin in #441
- fixing overlap/extrusions in volMuFilter by @antonioiuliano2 in #442
- Update number of Target Tracker tstations by @antonioiuliano2 in #443
- Add header include guard to ShipGlobals.h by @olantwin in #444
- Use consistent size variables for wall container volumes by @antonioiuliano2 in #445
- README: Add link to cvmfs_release and specify correct default by @olantwin in #447
- eventDisplay: No need to commit suicide if you can disown by @olantwin in #450
- create_field_perturbation: no argument group needed by @olantwin in #449
- Bump pymongo from 3.10.1 to 4.6.3 in /conditionsDatabase by @dependabot in #451
New Contributors
- @yabezsh made their first contribution in #463
- @egamberini made their first contribution in #469
- @wcmartylee made their first contribution in #483
- @anupama-reghunath made their first contribution in #468
- @lfpc made their first contribution in #511
Full Changelog: ECN3_2023...24.10
ECN3 2023
ECN3 geometry with 2023 updates, ready for new background productions for the proposal.
What's Changed
- SND Geometry for Muon Magnetic Spectrometer studies in SHiP by @antonioiuliano2 in #421
- Update Dockerfile for new shipdist by @olantwin in #410
- Reducing transverse size magnetic spectrometer by @antonioiuliano2 in #425
- Fix out of date shebang by @olantwin in #426
- Fix typos in shipVertex error messages. by @olantwin in #427
- Change of magnetic field and SND wall numbers in geometry options by @antonioiuliano2 in #432
- Remove obsolete code by @olantwin in #27
- Update README and add TOC by @olantwin in #434
- Remove unused variable by @olantwin in #440
- ECN3 v2023 by @olantwin in #420
Full Changelog: ECN3_2022...ECN3_2023
ECN3 2022
Final ECN3 2022 version. Tagging so that we can work towards 2023 release.
Release notes (automatically generated by GitHub) very long since we haven't tagged a release in a few years.
What's Changed
- B fields using the VMC interface by @jback08 in #49
- Small changes to support lxplus7 by @olantwin in #52
- Implement the new beam smearing scheme by @olantwin in #47
- Fix issues in travis build by @olantwin in #53
- Give non-zero exit code if run_simScript doesn't get expected arguments by @olantwin in #57
- Allow field maps to work as local B fields in volumes. by @jback08 in #55
- Comment clang-format 5 option by @olantwin in #58
- Random seed support by @sashabaranov in #60
- Add script to generate hit maps to FairShip. by @olantwin in #61
- Update readme and some cosmetic changes by @olantwin in #62
- Fix code blocks by @olantwin in #63
- Fix new code blocks by @olantwin in #64
- Add ShipRpcPoint to by @olantwin in #65
- Separate liquid and plastic SBT by @olantwin in #67
- Remove superfluous UVTs by @olantwin in #66
- Track Pattern Recognition by @hushchyn-mikhail in #37
- Remove out-dates setup script by @olantwin in #68
- Timing Detector class is introduced by @korzenev in #69
- Use named temporary file for event display file by @olantwin in #70
- Fix getopt options by @olantwin in #71
- Set TimeDet dimensions from the geometry config by @olantwin in #72
- Fix phi randomisation (discovered by Tatiana) by @olantwin in #73
- [WiP] Upstream new muon shield by @olantwin in #74
- Fix interpolation of gaps for the split magnet by @olantwin in #34
- Give fastMuon default value by @olantwin in #76
- Fix filenames in README by @olantwin in #75
- Use floating-point precision for field maps. by @jback08 in #77
- Add QCD ffbar to Dark Photon production by @amagnan in #79
- Straighten coil gaps to simplify shapes by @olantwin in #78
- Add elastic interactions by @marteff in #80
- Fixing overlapping of detectorIDs by @antonioiuliano2 in #82
- Typo in GenieGenerator.cxx by @antonioiuliano2 in #83
- Adjustable material frames around views for 2018 strawtubes geometry by @DaniilSu in #84
- Fixing overlap with pillars in nudet muon detector by @antonioiuliano2 in #86
- Correct relative floor height definition by @olantwin in #88
- Fix for backward compatibility issue by @DaniilSu in #85
- Fixing relative position of the two nutaudet components by @antonioiuliano2 in #89
- Bug fixes for using VMC B fields. by @jback08 in #90
- strip structure in splitcal geometry and reconstruction by @simoniel in #91
- Add Dockerfile (for Skygrid, Condor & continuous integration) by @olantwin in #92
- FairShip changes to make things easier for muflux and charm by @evanherwijnen in #93
- Latest muflux changes by @evanherwijnen in #94
- Add field definition functions to ShipFieldMaker by @jback08 in #95
- Update shielding and hadron absorber by @olantwin in #99
- Fix missing header import by @olantwin in #100
- Fix issues with new shielding by @olantwin in #101
- Fix final overlap by @olantwin in #102
- [WiP] Update flux_map for new MuonBack weights by @olantwin in #104
- Fixing bug in ProcessHits, pointed by Thomas by @antonioiuliano2 in #105
- Place tShield in origin of SHiP coordinate frame explicitly by @olantwin in #106
- Updating emulsion structure by @antonioiuliano2 in #107
- Fix bug and refactor getGeoinfo macro by @shir994 in #108
- Fixing total y dim computation by @antonioiuliano2 in #109
- Add changes for muon flux measurement and its online software by @olantwin in #110
- Fix missing change T3<->T4 by @olantwin in #111
- Fix detector ID parsing for T3 and T4 by @olantwin in #112
- Remove excessive printout in MufluxSpectrometerHit by @olantwin in #113
- Update with latest muon flux online changes by @olantwin in #114
- Update for muon flux online: Updated channel map, EB & scaler unpacking by @olantwin in #115
- Update muon flux online code: final(?) channel mapping and all scalers by @olantwin in #117
- Update HNL production branching ratios & refactor Pythia configuration by @JLTastet in #98
- Fix for reading old simulations by @antonioiuliano2 in #118
- [WiP] Extended Goliath fieldmap; hardcoded geometry after detector installation. by @evanherwijnen in #119
- Removing one RPC chamber upstream by @antonioiuliano2 in #120
- Add --CharmdetSetup option to run_sumScript by @antonioiuliano2 in #121
- Updating charm cross section geometry by @antonioiuliano2 in #122
- New muon flux pattern recognition by @hushchyn-mikhail in #123
- Implement RPC endpoints by @nwojcicka in #124
- Flip x for muon tagger segmentation by @olantwin in #125
- Fixing a bug in DetectorID (again) by @antonioiuliano2 in #126
- Muon tagger hits in Muflux PatRec by @hushchyn-mikhail in #127
- Fix strip pitch, use centre of strip instead of corners by @olantwin in #128
- Fix typos in #128 by @olantwin in #129
- Remove rules for files that don't exist (fix CMake warning) by @olantwin in #130
- TDC -> distance; Alignment corrections; PatRec with/without dist2wire by @hushchyn-mikhail in #131
- Setting pixel positions after measurements by @antonioiuliano2 in #132
- New goliath fields; exposed alignment variables to python by @evanherwijnen in #135
- Changing number of lead target volumes to 1 by @antonioiuliano2 in #136
- Fix localBuild to not assume $SOURCEDIR name by @olantwin in #137
- Fix option parsing by @olantwin in #138
- Fix bug in TimeDetHit::Dist by @olantwin in #141
- Remove superfluous import; fix --test to work from anywhere by @olantwin in #142
- Update broken external link by @raux in #133
- expose x y z drifttube translations to python by @evanherwijnen in #143
- Don't write to 'dummy' files, just write to memory by @olantwin in #144
- rpc dimensions fixed by @nwojcicka in #146
- rpc digitisation by @nwojcicka in #145
- P precalculation by @hushchyn-mikhail in #148
- Fix rpc digitisation verbosity, skip invalid strips instead of erroring out; some cosmetics. by @olantwin in #149
- Fix more indentation issues, make fake clustering optional, fix imports by @olantwin in #150
- P.O.T. simulation for charm geometry by @antonioiuliano2 in #147
- Fix field map file opening b...
2017 Summer frozen version
This release contains all modifications up to September 17th.
The master branch will continue with updates to the target geometry, non-uniform magnetic fields in the muonshield.
Short Muon Shield, pyramidal frustum
Start of optimization with short muon shield, pyramidal frustum shape for Hidden Particle Detector. Tau-neutrino detector slightly too wide.
Tag version 1.10.
Version used for TP and TP addendum 2015