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MyMac .dotfiles Cheat Sheets

ZSH – Cheat Sheet

Shortcut Function
ll List dir
lt List dir w/ tree
so Reset config.
zconfig Open zsh config file
kconfig Open kitty config file
vconfig Open nvim .config
tconfig Open tmux.conf file
cda Activate data analysis env.
base Activate base env.
qt Activate Qt env.
v. Open nvim project on current directory
gitback Reset git repo in current directory
vqt Open nvim project and activate Qt env.
vda Open nvim project and activate data analysis env.
fof Search and open file using fzf (external)
fod Search and open director (external)
fcd Search and change directory
ff Search and get path of file
fo Seachr and get path of directory
nb2pdfwc Jupyter notebook to PDF with code
nb2pdfnc Jupyter notebook to PDF without code

NVIM – Cheat Sheet

Function Pluggin shortcuts
Change bracket tpope/vim-surround cs (ex.: cs"' to change "this" to 'this')
make comment tpope/vim-commentary gcc or gc
Show tagbar panel preservim/tagbar F8
Multi select mg979/vim-visual-ulti ==???==
Find files Telescope <space>ff
Live grep Telescope <space>fg
Buffers Telescope <space>fb
Help tags Telescope <space>fh
lsp buf declaration lsp gD
lsp buf definition lsp gd
lsp buf hover lsp 'K'
lsp buf implementation lsp gi
lsp buf signature lsp C-k
lsp buf add_workspace_folder lsp <space>wa
lsp buf remove_workspace_folder lsp <space>wr
lsp print inspect lsp <space>wl
lsp type definition lsp <space>D
lsp rename lsp <space>rn
lsp code-action lsp <space>ca
lsp references lsp gr
lsp formating lsp <space>f
File explorer toggle NvimTree <space>p
File explorer refresh NvimTree <space>r
File explorer find file NvimTree <space>n
Manual Formating Formatter F9
Navigation key-h keymap n: <space>hh
Navigation key-j keymap n: <space>jj
Navigation key-k keymap n: <space>kk
Navigation key-l keymap n: <space>ll
Navigation buffer-next keymap n: Shift+l
Navigation buffer-previous keymap n: Shift+h
indent+ keymap v: "<"
indent- keymap v: ">"
Move up keymap v: Shift+j
Move down keymap v: Shift+k
Paste+ keymap v: "p"
Open terminal toggleterm Ctrl+\
Open LazyGit toggleterm n: <space>gg
Lsp Diagnostics All lspfuzzy n: gf
Spectre Open spectre n: <space>sf
Spectre Open Visual Select spectre n: <space>sw
Spectre Open Visual spectre v: <space>s
Spectre Open File Search spectre n: <space>sp
Vimux Prompt Command vimux n: <space>vp
Vimux Run Last Command vimux n: <space>vl
Vimux Inspect Runner vimux n: <space>vi
Vimux Zoom Runner vimux n: <space>vz

TMUX – Cheat Sheet

PREFIX :: Ctrl+d

Shortcut Function
tmux launch tmux
tmux a Session attach
c Create a new window
w Get current windows list
n Move to next window
p Move to previous window
l Move to the penultimate used window
[0–9] Move to the numbered window
f name Search in window's buffers
$ Rename current session
& Kill window
t Show time
" or ` `
% or - Split – horizontal
h-j-k-l Like vi command for change split windows
D-[h-j-k-l] Like vi command for resize split windows
[ Scroll mode (q for quit)


brew install ctags
brew install fd
brew install ripgrep
brew install fzf
brew install bat
brew install node
brew install tree
brew install miniconda
brew install exa
brew install git
brew install lazygit
brew install neovim
brew install peco
brew install stow
brew install tmux
sudo npm i -g eslint_d prettier



  • pyright: sudo npm i -g pyright
  • Treesitter config: :TSInstall python | to update :TSUpdate python
  • Formating:
    • black
    • isort

Alternatif using pylsp for better formatting: pip install "python-lsp-server[all]"


Example ignore error message:

        "reportOptionalMemberAccess": false,


brew install pandoc
brew install --cask basictex

sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr install texliveonfly
sudo tlmgr install adjustbox
sudo tlmgr install tcolorbox
sudo tlmgr install collectbox
sudo tlmgr install ucs
sudo tlmgr install environ
sudo tlmgr install trimspaces
sudo tlmgr install titling
sudo tlmgr install enumitem
sudo tlmgr install rsfs


library: hkupty/iron.nvim

Shortcut Function
:IronRepl Activated REPL
C + l send line
C + k send lines or send visual
<leader>rc repeat cmd



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