- Create a calculated column: concatenate(title, " ||| ", category)
- Change all default views, where the column you created, replaces title
- Edit your categories. [Name] ||| [Background Color] ||| [Font Color] i.e., "Meeting ||| Red ||| gold"
- Edit the page the calender appears on; include bundle.js from ./public/build.
- Note: The separator was selected to be unique, if you need a different separator, "|||" change SEPARATOR variable in the script.
Create a new project based on this template using degit:
npx degit SharePoint-Repo/sp-colorCalendar-js myColorCalendarProject
cd myColorCalendarProject
npm install
Requires Node.js It's very helpful if you have access to SharePoint. The generated code will work with SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2019, and SharePoint Online.