Learn What is Frontend and Backend?
- Create a daily routine.
- Prepare a timetable.
- Spend time on doing some
. Don't just learn the concepts.
- SEO Basics
- 8 Must-Know SEO Best Practices For Developers
- Learn and Practice Flexbox
- Learn CSS Grid
- Responsive Web Design
- Learn Responsive Design
- Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ?
- DOM Manipulation
- JavaScript HTML DOM
- Fetch API
- JavaScript Concepts
3.2. React
- Introduction JSX
- React Component
- State and Props
- Adding Styles
- Functional and Class components
- Virtual DOM
- React Hooks
- Custom Hooks
- Context API
- Routing
- Server-Side Rendering
- State Management Library Zustand, Recoil
3.6. Learn TypeScript
- Advancing React Hooks
- React Development Tools
- Error Boundaries
- Higher Order Components
- Optimization
- Testing