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Basecamp Schema

Ryan Mullen edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 6 revisions

Basecamp Schema


column name data type details
id bigint not null, primary key
first_name string not null
last_name string not null
email string not null, indexed, unique
zipcode integer
session_token string not null, indexed, unique
password_digest string not null
created_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null
  • index on email, unique: true
  • index on session_token, unique: true
  • has_many reviews
  • has_many bookings
  • has_one hosted_campground


column name data type description
id bigint not null, primary key
name bigint not null, indexed, unique
location string not null
state string not null
description text not null
num_sites integer not null
num_cabin integer not null
num_rv integer not null
num_tent integer not null
activities array not null
natural_feat array not null
create_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null
  • indexed on name
  • has many campsites
  • location signifies the area/city the campground belongs to ("Yosemite" "Napa", etc)
  • activities is an array that can only include certain values ("biking", "boating", "fishing", etc)


column name data type **description **
id bigint not null, primary key
host_id bigint not null, indexed, foreign key
campground_id bigint not null, indexed, foreign key
name string not null
description string not null
price float not null
latitude float not null
longitude float not null
num_sites integer not null
max_guests integer not null
min_nights integer not null
cabin boolean not null
rv_park boolean not null
tree_house boolean not null
parking boolean not null
toilets boolean not null, default: false
pets boolean not null, default: false
wifi boolean not null, default: false
campfire boolean not null, default: false
showers boolean not null, default: false
potable_water boolean not null, default: false
kitchen boolean not null, default: false
garbage boolean not null, default: false
picnic_table boolean not null, default: false
activities array not null
checkin_time string not null
checkout_time string not null
created_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null
  • host_id references users
  • review_ids references reviews
  • index on host_id
  • has_many reviews
  • has_many bookings
  • belongs_to user
  • checkin_time and checkout_time are times of day users can check in/out ("after 2pm", "before 11am")


column name data type **description **
id bigint not null primary key
campsite_id bigint not null, indexed, foreign key
user_id bigint not null, indexed, foreign key
num_guests integer not null
price float not null
checkin_date datetime not null
checkout_date datetime not null
created_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null
  • campsite_id references campsite
  • user_id references users
  • index on campsite_id
  • index on user_id
  • belongs_to campsite
  • belongs_to user


column name data type description
id bigint not null, primary key
author_id bigint not null, indexed, foreign key
campsite_id bigint not null, indexed, foreign key
title string not null, indexed
body text not null
recommended boolean not null
created_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null
  • author_id references users
  • campsite_id references campsites
  • indexed on campsite_id, title
  • indexed on [:user_id, :campsite_id], unique: true
  • belongs_to user
  • belongs_to campsite
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