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Ruth2 v4 Assembly Instructions

Ai Austin edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 47 revisions
  1. Gather the resources needed

  2. Upload each mesh with the following settings in the mesh uploader:

    • For Second Life use Firestorm 6.3.9 (or later) for Second Life only which includes the Havok physics libraries to get reliable mesh upload. Firestorm 6.3.9 includes an updated mesh uploader by Beq Janus.
    • For OpenSimulator use Firestorm 6.3.9 (or later) for OpenSimulator. Firestorm 6.3.9 includes an updated mesh uploader by Beq Janus.
    • Make sure the object name of the uploaded mesh name is appropriate. It usually is set by default in the mesh uploader to the name for the part that is used in Blender. But, for example, the two eyes when uploaded may be named for one eye. Rename such an uploaded object appropriately.
    • Lower complexity meshes without compromising visual appearance can be obtained by using custom LOD settings. But the highest and medium settings are always set at the default to get the full resolution mesh at those LODs.
    • LODs for parts: Body elements with Torso and Legs: Default Default 100 100 (enables two legs to show); Eyeballs: Default Default 50 10; Eyelashes: Default Default Default Default; All Nails: Default Default 20 20; All other parts: Default Default 50 50.
    • Do NOT use Generate Normals, Analyze or any of the other mesh uploader tools.
    • Physics tab, select "Lowest" for Physics. Experiments using a TriPlane or Cube .dae mesh model for Physics indicate this does not reduce avatar complexity.
    • Upload Options/Rigging tab: Scale 1.0, Do not include textures. Include skin weight, do not include joint positions (or the sub-option to lock scale if joint position defined), leave Z offset at zero.
    • Hit "Calculate Weights and Fee" and when that finishes "Upload".
  3. After upload immediately use the object description to set each mesh part's upload date using the format yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2020-08-03 for 3rd August 2020) to be non-ambiguous internationally.

  4. Prepare a small prim cube to be used as the "root prim" for each mesh by making a cube of size 0.01m x 0.01m x0.01m. Texture it with the 4x4white texture. Set it to 100% transparency. Note: this may be easier after assembly of each part unless you have show transparency on.

  5. Rez each mesh piece in world. Rez a copy of the root prim and link the mesh piece (select first) to the root prim (select last). Move the root prim so it will not be outside the mesh avatar when the piece is worn. Its position is not critical as the main mesh piece automatically is located correctly relative to the avatar. Name the linked item with the piece name and set its description to the preparation date using the date format Note having a separate root prim allows for its name to be anything, or renamed by a user without interfering with the underlying mesh piece name which is used by scripting.

  6. Set each mesh piece to "Phantom". This is not relevant when the mesh is worn on the avatar, but could be useful if the mesh is rezzed in world.

  7. Attach each prepared mesh piece to an avatar by explicitly selecting a suitable attachment point. This point need not be unique but its best to spread the pieces round suitable attachment points rather than attach them all to some single default point ("left hand" will be used if you don't specify an attachment point).

  8. Texture the faces of each mesh piece appropriately - usually by selecting the appropriate Bakes on Mesh (bakes) texture (head, upper, lower, eyes), or applying a suitable texture for the part (such as to the eyelashes). Note that if you find it difficult to select a worn mesh item or any face of it, you can edit the mesh piece by looking at the "Worn" items tab in Inventory and selecting "Edit" on the item, and then using the "Select Face" option with the small arrows underneath that to move between the faces. Make sure to avoid the "Root Prim" which should be left with the 4x4white texture and set 100% transparent. Set the "Alpha Mode" to "Alpha Masking" with cutoff 128. "Alpha Blending" mode also will work but may conflict with the common use of Alpha Blending in hair and clothing. If you see transparent parts around hair, clothing or eyelashes, check the alpha mode is consistent across all body parts.

  9. It is recommended that the Eyelashes be treated differently and more like a hair attachment. Set the alpha mode to "Alpha Blending" for the Eyelashes and they may render more smoothly.

  10. Detach each worn mesh piece from the avatar to ensure the settings are all saved.

  11. To create a complete avatar select those mesh parts wanted. Others can be considered as extras or options.

Toenails and Fingernails

The fingernails and toenails are structured with three faces to provide a range of customisation opportunities. The main top surface, a top surface nail edge and an underside.

One suggestion from Ai Austin for setup is as follows:

 * nail top surface main part: 4x4 white; color: 236, 224, 220 (pink tint); transparency 80%; glow 0.01 | bumpiness None | shininess Use texture 4x4 white; Glossiness 200; Environment 20; Color 255,255,255.
 * nail top surface front edge: 4x4 white; color: 232,227,222 (cream tint); transparency 20%; glow 0.01 | bumpiness None | shininess Use texture 4x4 white; Glossiness 200; Environment 20, Color 255,255,255.
 * nail underside: 4x4 white; color: (skin tone e.g. 161,102,94); transparency 0%; glow 0.00 | bumpiness None | shininess Use texture 4x4 white; Glossiness 200; Environment 20; Color 255,255,255.

Skin Color Palette RGB Suggestions by, e.g., has 6 HEX, RGB, LSL codes colors:

 * HEX: #c58c85    RGB: (197, 140, 133)   LSL: (0.773, 0.549, 0.549)
 * HEX: #ecbcb4    RGB: (236, 188, 180)   LSL: (0.925, 0.737, 0.706)
 * HEX: #d1a3a4    RGB: (209, 163, 164)   LSL: (0.820, 0.639, 0.643)
 * HEX: #a1665e    RGB: (161, 102, 94)    LSL: (0.631, 0.400, 0.369)
 * HEX: #503335    RGB: (80, 51, 53)      LSL: (0.314, 0.200, 0.208)
 * HEX: #592f2a    RGB: (89, 47, 42)      LSL: (0.349, 0.184, 0.165)

 * Nail Tints:
   HEX: #e8e3de    RGB: (232, 227, 222)   LSL: (0.910, 0.890, 0.871) Cream
   HEX: #ece0dc    RGB: (236, 224, 220)   LSL: (0.925, 0.878, 0.863) Pink - Human Skin Tone Color Palette 4x4 textures for these skin tones can be found at

Glossiness can be reduced for less shine. For a painted nail, change the nail top textures to no transparency, whatever colour or texture you want, and Shininess settings as above.

For the fashionistas you may wish to try using Bakes on Mesh (BoM) skin textures for the underside of each nail, and apply textures to the nails via the "Universal Wearable" using AUX bakes channels. The undersides of the fingernails and toenails, the area normally matched to skin tone, are set to the lower left corner of the texture, so you can use, for example, an upper body skin texture to match skin tones if that part is a reasonable close skin tone match and does not contain creator logos or other decoration. See this advice from Ada Radius at Toenails and Fingernails.


See HUD Assembly and Scripting

UUIDs of Skin and Textures

UUIDs of already uploaded skin textures for OSGrid and Second Life content and in the OpenSim Inventory Archive (IAR) are given here (UUIDs). Sharing use of these and taking a copies to other grids rather than uploading fresh copies can improve efficiency for everyone.