This is my project on Event Manager web application through which Organiser can register for an event and participant can register for that event. There is the facility for the Event organisers to get the all details about the participants registered for their event which needs Authentication.
- Home page - link to the other sites. E.g. Event Registration, Participant Registration, Event Dashboard.
- Event Registration - Organiser can register for an Event using this site. Event can be registered only once. E.g. Event with same name, time, date, location with same Email ID can't be registered.
- Participant Registration - Participant can register for Registered Event using this site. This site will only shows those events for which Registration Deadline has not passed yet and one can register for only these events. Participant can register for multiple events, but (s)he can't register for the same event twice.
- Event Dashboard - Organiser can see the Partipants details which have created by them. Authentication required Event ID (which is unique for all events and created by Django backend) and password which has used by Organiser at the time of registering the Event.
- The message will be displayed on Event/Participant Registration site on successful registration and warning message in case of already registered.
- Organiser will get an Email notification on successfully registered for the event.
- Participant will get Email and Message notification about their successful Registration.
Since I have implemented the Emial and Message notification, so it's necessary to hide Authentication details. So, I have created .env file to hide the details and there is one .env.example file which is copy of my .env file. Via putting the Email and Twilio Accounts' Authentiction details in .env.example approprietly, one can enable Email and Message notifictions.
Front-end is created using HTML, CSS and Javascript only and it's a responsive website.