Hi there, my name is Christian! Here's a little "About me" overview:
- 🖥️ BSc Computer Science Student at UWL
- 🖥️ Attended an Academy in London working with Xander Talent as a Trainee Software Engineering Consultant
- 💻 Completed a Code Institute Diploma in Software Development between February 2022 - February 2023
- 🛠️ Prior 5+ year career in the automotive industry, working for companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Mclaren Automotive and Global Motoring Hub Ltd
- 🎯 In my Second Year of Uni, Currently working with C#.NET/Blazor
- 🎯 Will be starting a placement year in 2025...
Project Name | Description | Tech/Tools Used |
Project Lambda | A static informative website about the Battle of Thermopylae in 480BCE | HTML5, CSS3, Git |
Rock-Paper-Scissors | A simple turn-based javascript game based on the classic rock, paper, scissors | HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Git |
Guess-The-Number | A python game in the terminal where users to play a selection of guessing type games | Python3.8, Git, Heroku |
Hofflecopter (C.I Hackathon - 3rd Place!) | An emoji-themed shooter where you play as the 'Hofflecopter' | HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JSON, Git |
Rally Blog | A full-stack blog-style website documenting my rally journey in 2022 and beyond | HTML5, CSS3, Javascript & JQuery, Python3.8, Django3.2, Git, Heroku, Cloudinary, Summernote, SENDGRID API |
Django-Raceway | A fictional trackday website, where users can book trackdays, tuition or experience packages | HTML5, CSS3, Javascript & JQuery, Python3.8, Django3.2, Git, Heroku, AWS S3, Stripe (Stripe API), SENDGRID API, Allauth |
SummerTrails (C.I Hackathon - 3rd Place!) | A Summer-themed, mobile-first and location/photography-focused application where users can upload photos and pin them to a shared map for other users to see | HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5.2, Javascript, Django 4.2, MapBox API, Django REST framework, PostgreSQL |
ZenBot (C.I Hackathon - 3rd Place!) | A mental health themed site with a mini chatbot on the main page, using the GPT3.5 Turbo model | Git, HTML, CSS, JS (w/ AJAX), GPT3.5 Turbo, Vercel |