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Project structure

Emiliano Borghi edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 3 revisions
  1. ca_bringup

    Package containing only a set of launch files whose goal is to start the robot. Follows the REP 144.

  2. ca_bumper2pc

    Publish bumpers and cliff sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so the navigation stack can use them.

  3. ca_description

    Package containing the URDF and meshes of a robot.

  4. ca_driver

    ROS driver for iRobot Create 2, based on libcreate.

  5. ca_gazebo

    Gazebo worlds, models and plugins.

  6. ca_msgs

    Custom messages.

  7. ca_node

    Nodelet to execute ca_driver script.

  8. ca_tools

    Launch and configuration files for common accessories.

  9. create_autonomy

    Project metapackage.

  10. docker

    Docker configuration.

  11. docs

    Documentation files.

  12. navigation

    a. ca_behavior_tree

    Implements a behavior tree to navigate the robot with advanced capabilities.

    b. ca_cartographer

    Package that allows the robot to map and localize using Google Cartographer.

    c. ca_control

    ROS Control package to directly interact with the hardware interface in ROS.

    d. ca_hector

    SLAM package to use Hector SLAM.

    e. ca_localization

    Implements localization using Kalman filters through the robot_localization package.

    f. ca_mapping_exploration

    Package to make the robot explore unknown environments.

    b. ca_move_base

    Implements navigation capabilities through move_base.

    c. ca_safety_controller

    A controller ensuring the safe operation of iRobot Create 2.

    The SafetyController keeps track of bumper, cliff and wheel drop events. In case of the first two, Create is commanded to move back. In the latter case, Create is stopped.

    d. ca_slam

    SLAM capabilities with different algorithms.

    e. ca_visual_odometry

    Visual odometry package.

  13. sensors

    a. ca_camera

    Camera package to bring up different cameras.

    b. ca_imu

    IMU driver for MPU9255.

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