This is a code snippet that can convert a list of data types to a data table. This conversion is necessary when we need to export the query result into a excel file because when working with Database, we get the data set from DB as a list of model objects.
When it comes to working with database, Dapper is a handy library that does relational mapping for us between C# object <--> Query result, which reduces the amount of code dramatically.
Getting property value from object type using System.Reflection
First we need to get type out of object and obtain propery from that type
When getting type, we do either by
, assuming that the argument is passed to Converter() method asList<T> listOfObjects
. -
Once we get type of the object, we apply either
, which returns an array of all properties included inside the type or.GetProperty(string propName)
and further.GetValue(object obj)
Putting into DataTable
For title row, we loop through
and apply.Name
upon each property. -
For content rows, the process is same but two loos are required. Outer one loops through list Of Objects while inner one loops through properties in each object.
Upon each loop of a object, a row is added to DataTable using
.Add(DataRow row)