A comprehensive framework for reconstructing and analyzing community genome-scale metabolic models (cGEMs) from metagenomic data.
cGEM-FORGE is a complete pipeline for building, analyzing, and visualizing community genome-scale metabolic models (cGEMs) from metagenomic data. The framework integrates several tools into a streamlined workflow for studying microbial community metabolism.
- Automated reconstruction of individual genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) from MAGs using CarveMe
- Community model building using MICOM
- Analysis of metabolic exchanges and trophic interactions
- Multiple visualization options for metabolic interactions
- Docker containers for easy deployment and reproducibility
- Docker
- Input files:
- MAGs (Metagenome-Assembled Genomes) as protein FASTA files
- Relative abundance data (TSV format)
- Medium composition file (TSV format)
- Universal model file (XML format)
Individual GEM Reconstruction
- Uses CarveMe to build metabolic models for each MAG
- Outputs individual models in XML format
Medium Preparation
- Generates MICOM-compatible medium files from media database
- Configurable medium composition and uptake rates
Community Model Construction
- Creates MICOM taxonomy table
- Builds integrated community model
- Outputs pickled community model
Exchange Analysis
- Computes metabolic exchanges between community members
- Analyzes trophic interactions
- Configurable growth trade-offs
- Network diagrams of trophic interactions
- Heatmaps of metabolic exchanges
- Sankey diagrams of metabolic flows
The framework consists of several Docker containers that can be run sequentially:
docker run \
-v /path/to/microcom:/app/microcom \
-v /path/to/config.tsv:/app/config.tsv \
-v /path/to/results:/app/results \
ghcr.io/new-atlantis-labs/carveme:latest \
--config /app/config.tsv \
--outdir /app/results \
--processes 10
docker run \
-v /path/to/data:/app/data \
-v /path/to/results:/app/results \
ghcr.io/new-atlantis-labs/micom:latest \
build_cgem \
--taxa_table /app/data/micom_database.tsv \
--outdir /app/results \
--abundance_cutoff 0.01 \
--threads 10 \
--solver "hybrid"
docker run \
-v /path/to/data:/data \
-v /path/to/results:/app/results \
ghcr.io/new-atlantis-labs/cgem-viz:latest \
--exchanges-file /data/exchanges.tsv \
--visualization-type network
The framework supports three types of visualizations:
Network Diagrams
- Shows trophic interactions between community members
- Configurable flux cutoffs
- Directed edges indicating metabolite exchanges
Exchange Heatmaps
- Visualizes metabolic exchanges between species
- Optional normalization and clustering
- Customizable color schemes
Sankey Diagrams
- Displays metabolic flows in the community
- Configurable flux cutoffs
- Interactive visualization of metabolite transfers
- Abundance File (TSV)
id taxonomy abundance
MAG1 Species1 30
MAG2 Species2 40
- Medium Composition (TSV)
reaction_id max_uptake
EX_glc_e 10.0
EX_o2_e 5.0
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.