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ReverseTEN committed May 13, 2023
0 parents commit d322a43
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<h1 align="center">
<img src="" alt="subtracker"></a>
<h4 align="center">Gain the edge in hidden subdomain discovery with Subtracker.</h4>

<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>

<p align="center">

# subtracker

Subtracker is a reconnaissance tool that uses DNS brute-forcing and a merged list of subdomains from subfinder,, and abuseipdb to uncover even the most obscure subdomains of a target domain.
With Subtracker, you can proactively identify hidden subdomains that could be susceptible to exploitation, staying one step ahead of other bug hunters. by automating the subdomain discovery process, Subtracker saves you time and effort while providing Valuable outcomes

Subtracker leverages automated DNS brute-forcing and a comprehensive wordlist from [Assetnote](( to efficiently explore the target domain and discover valuable subdomains that may be missed by other tools. Additionally, **Subtracker compares the results of DNS brute-forcing with the common merged subdomain list to identify subdomains that are critical to your project or research**.

But how does Subtracker determine the value of a subdomain?

**The program compares the subdomains obtained by DNS brute-forcing with those in the common list. If a subdomain is present in the Bruteforce list but not in the common list, it means that fewer people have discovered it, making it potentially more valuable to your project or research.**

## Installation

Before running the script, ensure that the following packages are installed:

- subfinder: a subdomain discovery tool that uses various public sources to enumerate subdomains of a target domain.
- anew: a tool that filters out elements from a list that already exist in another list.
- dnsgen: a tool that generates permutations of a domain name and resolves them using a DNS server.
- alterx: fast and customizable subdomain wordlist generator using DSL.
- shuffledns: a fast and flexible DNS resolver.
- notify : notify is a lightweight and user-friendly tool that makes it easy to send notifications to messaging platforms like Slack, Discord, and Telegram.

You can install them using the following command:


go install -v
go install -v
go install -v
go install -v
go install
git clone


Additionally, make sure that the following files are present in the dependency folder:


## Usage

``` bash
git clone
cd subtracker
chmod +x
./ domain.tld


Replace domain.tld with the target domain.

The script will perform the following steps:

- Find subdomains using
- Find subdomains using subfinder
- Find subdomains using abuseipdb
- Merge and remove duplicates
- **Perform DNS brute-forcing using dnsgen & alterx and shuffledns**
- **Perform DNS brute-forcing using dnsgen and shuffledns**
- **Compare the subdomains found through brute-forcing with the common merged subdomain list to identify any valuable subdomains with high potential for bug hunting**
- Save the valuable subdomains to a file
- he results will be saved in a folder with the target name.

You can use task schedulers such as Cron Job to automate the process so that as soon as a new subdomain is discovered, you will be notified through your preferred notification channel.

- Create a cronjob by running the following command: `crontab -e`
- Add the following line to the crontab file to run the script every 2 days or at any desired frequency. In this example, I am running it every 2 days.

0 0 */2 * * /bin/bash /path/to/subtracker/ domain.tld > /dev/null 2>&1

## Customization

You can use a custom wordlist for brute-forcing by placing it in the dependency folder with the name `wordlist.txt`.

## Notifications

notify is a lightweight and user-friendly tool that makes it easy to send notifications to messaging platforms like Slack, Discord, and Telegram.

To set up notify for your messaging platform, you can follow the instructions on the [Project Discovery GitHub page](

## Disclaimer

This script is intended for educational and research purposes only. Use it at your own risk.
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# #
# S U B T R A C K E R #
# #
# Identify hidden subdomains with Subtracker #
# #
# [Author: ReverseTEN] #
# #
# GitHub: #
# #

check_requirements() {
# List of required packages and their installation commands
declare -A packages=(
["subfinder"]="go install -v"
["anew"]="go install -v"
["dnsgen"]="git clone"
["shuffledns"]="go install -v"
["alterx"]="go install

# Check if required packages are installed
for package in "${!packages[@]}"; do
if ! command -v "${package}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "[inf] The package '${package}' is required but not installed. Install it with: ${packages[$package]}"
exit 1

# Check if resolvers.txt and wordlist.txt files exist in dependency folder
if [ ! -f "dependency/resolvers.txt" ] || [ ! -f "dependency/wordlist.txt" ]; then
echo "[err] The dependency folder does not have the required files resolvers.txt and/or wordlist.txt"
echo " Please make sure that the files are present in the dependency folder"
exit 1

InitialCheck () {

mkdir -p .tmp
mkdir $1
# Find subdomains using
echo "[+] Gathering subdomains from"
curl -s\?q\=\%25.${1}\&output\=json | jq . | grep 'name_value' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g'| sed -e 's/,//g' | awk '{gsub(/\\n/,"\n")}1' | sort -u > .tmp/crt-${1}

# Find subdomains using subfinder

echo "[+] Gathering subdomains from Subfinder"
subfinder -d ${1} -silent sort -u > .tmp/subfinder-${1}

echo "[+] Gathering subdomains from abuseipdb"
curl -s${1} -H "user-agent: Chrome" | grep -E '<li>\w.*</li>' | sed -E 's/<\/?li>//g' | sed -e 's/$/.'${1}'/' | sort -u > .tmp/abuseipdb-${1}

echo "[+] Merging and remove Duplicate"
#sorts and merges three different files containing subdomains discovered through various methods, then saves the result to a text file with the target name.
sort .tmp/abuseipdb-${1} .tmp/crt-${1} .tmp/subfinder-${1} | uniq > $1/${1}-subdomains.txt
rm -rf .tmp

#line displays the number of subdomains found for the target and passes it to the next function for further processing.

echo "[+] Target: $1 -> Found $(cat $1/${1}-subdomains.txt | wc -l) subdomains."

#Resolve subdomains with shuffledns using a wordlist and resolvers
echo "[+] Resolving Subdomains: *This May Take a Moment to Complete.*"
shuffledns -silent -d $1 -w dependency/wordlist.txt -silent -r dependency/resolvers.txt -o $1/$1-dns

# Generate additional subdomains using dnsgen and combine with original list
echo "[+] Generate additional subdomains using dnsgen & alterx "
cat $1/$1-subdomains.txt | dnsgen - > $1/$1-dnsgen
cat $1/$1-subdomains.txt | alterx -silent > $1/$1-alterx
cat $1/$1-subdomains.txt > $1/$1-subgen
sort $1/$1-subgen $1/$1-dnsgen $1/$1-alterx | uniq > $1/${1}-fulldns

rm -rf $1/$1-dnsgen
rm -rf $1/$1-subgen
rm -rf $1/$1-alterx
echo "[+] Resolving {Full} Subdomains: *This May Take a Moment to Complete.*"

# Resolve subdomains again using shuffledns with newly generated list
shuffledns -silent -d $1 -list $1/${1}-fulldns -r dependency/resolvers.txt -o $1/$1-lastdns

echo "[+] Target :$1 -> $(cat $1/$1-dns | wc -l) Resolving {public} Subdomains"
echo "[+] Target :$1 -> $(cat $1/$1-lastdns | wc -l) Resolving {private} Subdomains"

#updated subdomains
cat $1/$1-lastdns | anew $1/$1-subdomains.txt > $1/$1-valuable_subdomains.txt

#checks whether there are any valuable subdomains found from the DNS brute force and notifies the user accordingly.
if [ -s "$1/$1-valuable_subdomains.txt" ]; then
echo "[:globe_with_meridians:] Valuable subdomains discovered through DNS brute force for $1: $(cat $1/${1}-valuable_subdomains.txt | wc -l)" | notify -silent
cat $1/$1-valuable_subdomains.txt | notify -silent

echo "[+] Found $(cat $1/$1-valuable_subdomains.txt | wc -l) high-potential targets!"

# number of updated subdomains for the target.
echo "[+] Update $1 Subdomains To -> $(cat $1/${1}-subdomains.txt | wc -l)"

rm -rf $1/$1-dns
rm -rf $1/$1-fulldns
rm -rf $1/$1-lastdns


SecondCheck() {

# This function checks and detects new subdomains, and updates the main subdomain list
# which was obtained in the first_run function.
echo "Start Check For New Subdomains "
mkdir -p $1/.tmp

echo "[+] Gathering subdomains from "
curl -s\?q\=\%25.${1}\&output\=json | jq . | grep 'name_value' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g'| sed -e 's/,//g' | awk '{gsub(/\\n/,"\n")}1' | sort -u > $1/.tmp/crt-${1}

echo "[+] Gathering subdomains from Subfinder"
subfinder -d ${1} -silent sort -u > $1/.tmp/subfinder-${1}

# Use curl to query for new subdomains related to the target domain,
# and use jq and sed to extract and format the domain names.
# Then save the results to a file in the temporary directory.
echo "[+] Gathering subdomains from abuseipdb"
curl -s${1} -H "user-agent: Chrome" | grep -E '<li>\w.*</li>' | sed -E 's/<\/?li>//g' | sed -e 's/$/.'${1}'/' | sort -u > $1/.tmp/abuseipdb-${1}

echo "[+] Merging and remove Duplicate"

sort $1/.tmp/abuseipdb-${1} $1/.tmp/crt-${1} $1/.tmp/subfinder-${1} | uniq > $1/${1}-Newsubdomains.txt
rm -rf $1/.tmp

echo "[+] Target: $1 -> Found $(cat $1/${1}-Newsubdomains.txt | wc -l) new subdomains."

echo "[+] Generate additional subdomains using dnsgen & alterx "

cat $1/$1-Newsubdomains.txt | dnsgen - > $1/$1-dnsgen2
cat $1/$1-Newsubdomains.txt | alterx -silent > $1/$1-alterx2

# Use shuffledns to resolve the DNS records generated by dnsgen,
# using a list of resolvers and a wordlist to generate permutations of domain names,
# and save the results to a file.
echo "[+] Resolving Subdomains: *This May Take a Moment to Complete.*"
shuffledns -silent -d $1 -w dependency/wordlist.txt -r dependency/resolvers.txt -o $1/$1-dns2

# Combine the original list of new subdomains with the list generated by dnsgen,
# remove duplicates, and save the results to a file.
cat $1/$1-Newsubdomains.txt > $1/$1-subgen2
sort $1/$1-subgen2 $1/$1-dnsgen2 $1/$1-alterx2 | uniq > $1/${1}-fulldns2

rm -rf $1/$1-dnsgen2
rm -rf $1/$1-subgen2
rm -rf $1/$1-alterx2

# Use shuffledns to resolve the DNS names and save the results in a file
echo "[+] Resolving {FULL} Subdomains: *This May Take a Moment to Complete.*"
shuffledns -silent -d $1 -list $1/${1}-fulldns2 -r dependency/resolvers.txt -o $1/$1-lastdns2

echo "[+] Target :$1 -> $(cat $1/$1-dns2 | wc -l) Resolving {public} Subdomains"
echo "[+] Target :$1 -> $(cat $1/$1-lastdns2 | wc -l) Resolving {private} Subdomains"

cat $1/$1-lastdns2 | anew $1/$1-Newsubdomains.txt > $1/$1-valuable_subdomains2.txt

#checks whether there are any valuable subdomains found from the DNS brute force and notifies the user accordingly.
if [ -s "$1/$1-valuable_subdomains2.txt" ]; then

echo "[:globe_with_meridians:] Valuable subdomains discovered through DNS brute force for $1: $(cat $1/${1}-valuable_subdomains2.txt | wc -l)" | notify -silent

cat $1/$1-valuable_subdomains2.txt | notify -silent

#updated main subdomains
cat $1/$1-Newsubdomains.txt | anew $1/$1-subdomains.txt > $1/$1-NewTarget.txt

if [ -s "$1/$1-NewTarget.txt" ]; then
echo "[:globe_with_meridians:] Recently added subdomain: " | notify -silent
cat $1/$1-NewTarget.txt | notify -silent
echo "[:globe_with_meridians:] No new subdomains have been discovered. " | notify -silent

echo "[+] Found $(cat $1/$1-valuable_subdomains2.txt | wc -l) high-potential targets!"

echo "[+] New subdomains found in $1: $(cat $1/${1}-NewTarget.txt | wc -l)."

echo "[+] Update $1 Subdomains To -> $(cat $1/${1}-Newsubdomains.txt | wc -l)"

rm -rf $1/$1-dns2
rm -rf $1/$1-fulldns2
rm -rf $1/$1-lastdns2
rm -rf $1/$1-Newsubdomains.txt
rm -rf $1/$1-NewTarget.txt


main (){

# if the directory exists
if [ -d "$1" ]; then

SecondCheck $1
InitialCheck $1

main $1

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