Discover my portfolio, a collection of professional materials showcasing my skills, training, and experiences, offering insights into my personality and work ethic.
- About Me
- Work Experience
- Projects Show Case
- Technical Skills
- Contact
- Responsive Design
Check out the live demo [My Portfolio](
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
Make sure you have the following installed on your system:
- Node.js (v14.x or later)
- npm (v6.x or later) or yarn (v1.x or later)
create-react-app divya_portfolio
cd divya_portfolio
npm start
npm run build
Explore the projects, read about my skills, and contact me through the mail.
- React
- React Router Dom
- Node.js
- Sanity
- React Icons
Email: LinkedIn: Reddy Divya Twitter: @thedivyareddyy