This connector allows you to access AI21 Labs' Jurassic-2 language model from within Prompt Mixer.
- Send prompts to the Jurassic-2 language model and display responses
- Supports text completion and text classification tasks
- Configure timeouts, max tokens, temperature, and other settings
- View usage statistics for your AI21 account
- Sign up for an API key at AI21 Labs
- Install this connector in Prompt Mixer:
- Open the Connectors sidebar
- Search for "AI21 Jurassic-2"
- Install the connector
- Configure your API key:
- Open the connector settings
- Paste in your API key
- Start using the Jurassic-2 language model in your prompts
Once configured, you can access the Jurassic-2 language model by selecting "j2-ultra" from the models dropdown.
Pull requests are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT license.