Welcome to the VCU repo! This is all written in native C, with RTOS as the underlying operating system. This avoids a significant amount of Arduino bloat that comes with using it.
- Can Receive Interupt
- Rate: N/A (interupt/blocking based)
- Priority: 10
- Send Torque Commands
- Rate: 50Hz
- Priority: 9 (should be high)
- Read Throttle
- Rate: 100Hz
- Priority: 8
- Read Acceleration
- Rate: 800Hz (based off of interupts of when its ready, but the low pass filter can be set programatically)
- Priority: 7
- Read Motor Speeds Over CAN
- Rate: 50Hz
- Priority: 6
- Read Real Motor Torque Over CAN
- Rate: 50Hz
- Priority: 5
- Read Gyroscope
- Rate: 1000Hz (based off of interupts of when its ready, but the low pass filter can be set programatically)
- Priority: 4
- Read Motor Temperatures
- Rate: 1Hz
- Priority: 3
- Read Motor Controller Temperatures over CAN
- Rate: 1Hz
- Priority: 2
- Read Steering Angle Sensor
- Rate: 10Hz
- Priority: 1