This project demonstrates a simple Q-Learning agent that learns to navigate a randomly generated maze. It includes a Tkinter-based visualizer that displays the maze, the agent's movements, and the learning process over several episodes. The goal is for the agent to reach the goal (green cell) from the start (top-left corner) while avoiding walls (gray cells).
- Maze Generation: Randomly generates a maze with customizable size and complexity.
- Q-Learning: Implements the Q-learning algorithm for solving the maze.
- Visualization: Uses Tkinter to visualize the agent’s movements and learning process in real-time.
- Logging: Logs each episode, steps taken, and agent performance over time.
- Dynamic Maze Updates: Updates the maze layout and the agent's position after every step.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd q-learning-maze-solver
Install dependencies:
Ensure you have Python installed along with the necessary libraries:
pip install numpy tkinter
For Tkinter, it usually comes pre-installed with Python, but if not, you may need to install it separately based on your OS.
Run the train
function, which trains the Q-learning agent over several episodes:
You can customize the number of episodes and maze size within the train()
train(episodes=200, maze_size=6)
The agent learns the best path to reach the goal by exploring the maze and updating a Q-table that represents state-action pairs. The Q-table is updated based on the agent’s actions, the rewards it receives, and future potential rewards.
- Learning Rate (α): Controls how much new information overrides old information.
- Discount Factor (γ): Determines how much the agent values future rewards over immediate rewards.
- Epsilon (ε): Governs the balance between exploration (random actions) and exploitation (choosing the best-known action).
The maze is a 2D grid where:
: Empty cell (white)1
: Wall (gray)2
: Goal (green)3
: Agent’s current position (red)
The agent moves in one of four possible directions: up, down, left, or right. If the agent hits a wall, it remains in the same position. The goal is to navigate from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner.
The maze and the agent's movements are visualized in real-time using Tkinter. The agent's current position is highlighted in red, while the goal is green. The interface also displays the current episode, the number of steps taken, and the agent's epsilon value.
- Console Output: Logs the start and end of each episode and whether the agent succeeded in reaching the goal.
- Tkinter GUI: Displays the maze and agent’s movements in real-time.
You can customize several aspects of the project:
- Maze Size: Modify the maze size (default: 6x6) in the
function. - Q-Learning Parameters: Adjust the learning rate, discount factor, and epsilon values in the