A very simple stream-based logger.
Supports logging to files, log levels (Info, Warning, Error and Fatal), timestamps and limited formatting
Make sure you have a C++ compiler and CMake and run the following commands:
cmake -B ./build -S ./
cmake --build ./build
using namespace SSBL;
Logger logger;
// Configuration
.SetTimeFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
// Log levels
logger.Log() << "Hello, Info!";
logger.LogWarn() << "Hello, Warning!";
logger.LogError() << "Hello, Error!";
logger.LogFatal() << "Hello, Fatal!";
// Formatted output
logger.Log() << "My name is {}, and I am {} years old." << "John" << 35;
logger.Log() << "{2}, {1}!" << "World" << "Hello";