Technically, Glados AI Bot is a Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) bot powered by ChatGPT, utilizing the Whisper, ChatGPT API and a TTS model made by @R2D2FISH.
Install Espeak and FFmpeg:
- On Linux, run:
sudo apt-get install espeak ffmpeg
- On Windows, download and install FFmpeg and Espeak from their official websites.
- On Linux, run:
Run the Executable: Open the executable file and wait for it to initialize.
Start Interacting: Begin conversing with Glados AI Bot. Enjoy!
Once I get the executable file working, hehe.
If you prefer to set up Glados AI Bot from source, follow these steps:
Install Dependencies:
- On Linux, run:
sudo apt-get install espeak ffmpeg
- On Windows, download and install FFmpeg and Espeak from their official websites.
- On Linux, run:
Create a Virtual Environment:
python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Organize Repository Files::
mkdir src
Run the File:
Thx to @VRCWizard (Where I took the source initially for Glados) and special thanks to @R2D2FISH for the TTS model and for the cool talk :D.
Anything you can contact me on Discord: @pedro021
Note: If you're using the source code, you'll need to create a file called where you stored your APIs.