Date :: 24/11/2020 Author:: Payal RK
The dataset is available as attrition.csv. Kaggle Link:
The main Business problem that is being solved here is how can a system be created to help big companies control their attrition by understanding which employee could leave so as to provide him/her some incentives to stay back.
This project was created as a part of the INSAID capstone to help HR Advisories to detect possible employees who may end up quitting the
organization. The data was sources from the HRMS where the details of all past and current employees were being recorded for the last 15
years. -
In this project the outcome is a classification where we judge if the employee is likely to quit or not. Experimented with various supervised learning methods using SAS to study the characteristics of employees that are more prone to turn-over (attrition). Performed data cleaning, data exploration and graphical exploration.
Analyzed the performances of using Random Forest model.
o Random Forest
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