parse json string hommization for golang. You can fetch any value by key path.
> go get
We can achieve any json node by key path, there are some example to explain how to use the library. Below example depend the facade json data:
"name": "Pavel Hank",
"birthday": 1269003023,
"favorite_sports": [
"eat": [
"Football":"watch games some time",
"is_student": false,
"bio":"poor life, and poor soul, just live in this world like a wanderer, no one pays attention, no one knows",
"deposit": 262.62
import ""
func main(){
// GetString by key.
fmt.Println(hjson.GetString([]byte(json), "name"))
// Output:
// Pavel Hank <nil>
// GetString by key path in deepper level.
fmt.Println(hjson.GetString([]byte(json), "preferences.sports.Basketball"))
// Output:
// crazy <nil>
// GetString from json array
fmt.Println(hjson.GetString([]byte(json), "$0"))
// Output:
// rice <nil>
used it like GetString
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