NOW AVAILABLE: pip install map-closures
What's Changed
- Move the ground truth closure computation to C++ by @saurabh1002 in #32
- Add GitHub actions by @saurabh1002 in #43
- Add Git attributes by @tizianoGuadagnino in #45
- Fix for Saving Evaluation Metrics in Loop Closure Pipeline by @jlaserna in #47
- remove strict requirement on kiss-icp version by @saurabh1002 in #50
- Make into pypi package with macos and windows support by @saurabh1002 in #51
- Fixes the missing artifacts by @saurabh1002 in #53
- Gupta/fix artifacts downloading by @saurabh1002 in #54
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1