What's Changed
- Proper path for client code usage of the C++ library by @tizianoGuadagnino in #17
- Upgrade versions to match new release by @saurabh1002 in #18
- Patch cmake bug fix from KISS by @saurabh1002 in #19
- fix bug, refactor code by @saurabh1002 in #21
- Add Visualizer for the pipeline by @saurabh1002 in #22
- Cleanup python API by @saurabh1002 in #25
- Make relevant changes for kiss-icp v1.0.0 by @saurabh1002 in #26
- Add instructions to use MapClosures C++ API by @saurabh1002 in #28
- Fix bug in closure candidate indices by @saurabh1002 in #30
- Visualizer based on Polyscope by @saurabh1002 in #29
- Rework folder structure for visualizer by @saurabh1002 in #31
- add global view option to local map visualizer by @saurabh1002 in #36
- bump version by @saurabh1002 in #38
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v1.0.0