An Astro Integration that lets you render Typst within Astro.

- Import packages in Typst Universe
files or resources - Use system fonts
- Selectable, clickable text layer
- Set scale
- Static SVGs without JavaScript
- Static HTML output without JavaScript
- Responsive SVGs
- Add font files or blobs
- Content collections
npm install astro-typst
# or
pnpm add astro-typst
# or
yarn add astro-typst
// astro.config.mjs
import { typst } from 'astro-typst';
... // other imports
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [/** other integrations */ ..., typst()],
Then you can use .typ
files just like anything else in Astro: render directly by router, or import in another file.
To use the component, you need to manually install a dependency to avoid SSR errors:
npm install @myriaddreamin/typst-ts-node-compiler
# or
pnpm add @myriaddreamin/typst-ts-node-compiler
# or
yarn add @myriaddreamin/typst-ts-node-compiler
and add this to your /astro.config.(t|j)s/
export default defineConfig({
vite: {
ssr: {
- external: [...],
+ external: [..., "@myriaddreamin/typst-ts-node-compiler"],
Then, you can pass either one of code | src | input
to the component:
import { Typst } from "astro-typst/src/components";
const code = `
#set page(margin: 1em)
#let typst = {
text(font: "Linux Libertine", weight: "semibold", fill: eastern)[typst]
#show "Typst": typst
== Typst: Compose paper faster
$ cases(
dot(x) = A x + B u = mat(delim: "[", 0, 0, dots.h.c, 0, - a_n; 1, 0, dots.h.c, 0, - a_(n - 1); 0, 1, dots.h.c, 0, - a_(n - 2); dots.v, dots.v, dots.down, dots.v, dots.v; 0, 0, dots.h.c, 1, - a_1) x + mat(delim: "[", b_n; b_(n - 1); b_(n - 2); dots.v; b_1) u,
y = C x = mat(delim: "[", 0, 0, dots.h.c, 1) x
) $
#set text(font: ("Garamond", "Noto Serif CJK SC"))
#import "@preview/tablem:0.1.0": tablem
| *English* | *German* | *Chinese* | *Japanese* |
| --------- | -------- | --------- | ---------- |
| Cat | Katze | 猫 | 猫 |
| Fish | Fisch | 鱼 | 魚 |
<Typst code={code} />
<!-- or HTML output: -->
<Typst code={code} target="html" />
See demo.
exposes a value to the query system without producing visible content.
Attach a label frontmatter
to the metadata declaration:
#let desc = [$oo$ fun with `math`]
title: "Test page",
author: "Neko",
desc: desc,
date: datetime(
year: 2024,
month: 8,
day: 7,
"title": "Test page",
"author": "Neko",
"desc": {
"children": [
"block": false,
"body": {
"func": "text",
"text": "∞"
"func": "equation"
{ "func": "space" },
{ "func": "text", "text": "fun with" },
{ "func": "space" },
"block": false,
"func": "raw",
"text": "math"
"func": "sequence"
"date": "datetime(year: 2024, month: 8, day: 7)"
Change isDebug
to true
in integration.ts.
pnpm tsc -w
# in another terminal
pnpm dev
pnpm compile