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Patch/performance fixes (#620) #52

Patch/performance fixes (#620)

Patch/performance fixes (#620) #52

GitHub Actions / Test Results failed Jan 13, 2025 in 0s

4 fail, 4 skipped, 221 pass in 2m 6s

   13 files   -   2    304 suites   - 45   2m 6s ⏱️ -16s
  229 tests ±  0    221 ✅  -   3   4 💤 ±0   4 ❌ + 3 
1 520 runs   - 233  1 445 ✅  - 243  56 💤  - 8  19 ❌ +18 

Results for commit 08df5e9. ± Comparison against earlier commit 19b3481.


Check warning on line 0 in tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.contentbox-email-twofactor.EmailTwoFactorProviderTest

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

1 out of 7 runs failed: Email Two Factor Provider can send challenges (tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.contentbox-email-twofactor.EmailTwoFactorProviderTest)

artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@5-jdk11-coldboxbe-experimental-true/web/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
{error={true}, messages={Error Sending Email Challenge: Page /contentbox-email-twofactor/emails/verification.cfm [/home/runner/work/ContentBox/ContentBox/contentbox-email-twofactor/emails/verification.cfm] not found }}
31: 				var results = provider.sendChallenge( mockUser );
32: 				debug( results );
33: 				expect( results.error ).toBeFalse( results.toString() );
34: 			} );
35: 		} );

Check warning on line 0 in tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

All 6 runs failed: Pages API Suite Story: I want to edit a page Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a content item (tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec)

artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2021-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2021-jdk11-coldboxbe-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2023-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2023-jdk17-coldboxbe-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@5-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@be-jdk17-coldbox^7-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
The needle [I am a new piece of content for the products!] was not found in [My Products Rock]
199: 							expect( event.getResponse() ).toHaveStatus( 200, event.getResponse().getMessagesString() );
200: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().renderedContent ).toInclude(
201: 								"I am a new piece of content for the products!"
202: 							);
203: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().activeContent.changelog ).toInclude( "bdd test" );
/home/runner/work/ContentBox/ContentBox/tests/specs/contentbox-api/PagesSpec.cfc:201202: 							);
203: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().activeContent.changelog ).toInclude( "bdd test" );
204: 						} );
205: 					} );
206: 				} );

Check warning on line 0 in tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

All 6 runs failed: Entries API Suite Story: I want to edit an entry Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a content item (tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec)

artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2021-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2021-jdk11-coldboxbe-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2023-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2023-jdk17-coldboxbe-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@5-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@be-jdk17-coldbox^7-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
The needle [I am a new piece of content for the disk-queues-77caf!] was not found in [<h2><strong>This is a test.</strong></h2>

<p><strong><img alt="" src="/__media/space-ninja200.png" style="width: 200px; height: 238px;" /></strong></p>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. Nam sed est. Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut justo. In tincidunt viverra nisl. Donec dictum malesuada magna. Curabitur id nibh auctor tellus adipiscing pharetra. Fusce vel justo non orci semper feugiat. Cras eu leo at purus ultrices tristique.</p>

<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p>

168: 							expect( event.getResponse() ).toHaveStatus( 200, event.getResponse().getMessagesString() );
169: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().renderedContent ).toInclude(
170: 								"I am a new piece of content for the disk-queues-77caf!"
171: 							);
172: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().activeContent.changelog ).toInclude( "bdd test" );
/home/runner/work/ContentBox/ContentBox/tests/specs/contentbox-api/EntriesSpec.cfc:170171: 							);
172: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().activeContent.changelog ).toInclude( "bdd test" );
173: 						} );
174: 					} );
175: 				} );

Check warning on line 0 in tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

All 6 runs failed: Content Store API Suite Story: I want to edit a content store item Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a content item (tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec)

artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2021-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2021-jdk11-coldboxbe-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2023-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-adobe@2023-jdk17-coldboxbe-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@5-jdk11-coldbox^7-experimental-false/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
artifacts/contentbox-test-results-lucee@be-jdk17-coldbox^7-experimental-true/api/test-results-junit.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
The needle [I am a new piece of content for the footer!] was not found in [<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. Nam sed est. Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut justo. In tincidunt viverra nisl. Donec dictum malesuada magna. Curabitur id nibh auctor tellus adipiscing pharetra. Fusce vel justo non orci semper feugiat. Cras eu leo at purus ultrices tristique.</p>

<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. Nam sed est. Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut justo. In tincidunt viverra nisl. Donec dictum malesuada magna. Curabitur id nibh auctor tellus adipiscing pharetra. Fusce vel justo non orci semper feugiat. Cras eu leo at purus ultrices tristique.</p>

<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. Nam sed est. Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut justo. In tincidunt viverra nisl. Donec dictum malesuada magna. Curabitur id nibh auctor tellus adipiscing pharetra. Fusce vel justo non orci semper feugiat. Cras eu leo at purus ultrices tristique.</p>

<p>Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</p>

189: 							expect( event.getResponse() ).toHaveStatus( 200, event.getResponse().getMessagesString() );
190: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().renderedContent ).toInclude(
191: 								"I am a new piece of content for the footer!"
192: 							);
193: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().activeContent.changelog ).toInclude( "bdd test" );
/home/runner/work/ContentBox/ContentBox/tests/specs/contentbox-api/ContentStoreSpec.cfc:191192: 							);
193: 							expect( event.getResponse().getData().activeContent.changelog ).toInclude( "bdd test" );
194: 						} );
195: 					} );
196: 				} );

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

4 skipped tests found

There are 4 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output ‑ Two Factor Services can set trusted devices
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can find maintenance view
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can find the maintenance layout
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can find the search layout

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

229 tests found

There are 229 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to create a new author Given basic invalid data Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to create a new author Given duplicate email Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to create a new author Given duplicate username Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to create a new author Given valid incoming data Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to delete an author Given a valid id Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to delete an author Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to edit an author Given a valid id and valid data Then then it should update an author
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to edit an author Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to list all authors Given a search criteria Then it should display searched users
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to list all authors Given isActive = false Then it should display inactive users
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to list all authors Given no options Then it can display all active system authors
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to view an author by id Given a valid id Then then I should get the requested author
tests.specs.contentbox-api.AuthorsSpec ‑ Authors API Suite Story: I want to view an author by id Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to create a site category Given duplicate category slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to create a site category Given invalid data Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to create a site category Given valid incoming data Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to delete a category Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to delete a category Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to edit a category Given a non-unique slug Then then I should see a validation message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to edit a category Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a category
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to edit a category Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to list all site categories Given no options Then it can display all site categories
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to view a category by id or slug Given a valid id Then then I should get the requested category
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to view a category by id or slug Given a valid slug Then then I should get the requested category
tests.specs.contentbox-api.CategoriesSpec ‑ Site Categories API Suite Story: I want to view a category by id or slug Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to create a content store item Given duplicate content slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to create a content store item Given invalid content Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to create a content store item Given invalid data but good content Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to create a content store item Given valid data Then then it should create a new content object
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to delete a content store item Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to delete a content store item Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to edit a content store item Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a content item
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to edit a content store item Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to edit a content store item Given duplicate content slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to list all content store items Given a content search Then it can find the content store item
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to list all content store items Given a parent search Then it can display content store items from a parent
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to list all content store items Given a slug prefix search Then it can find the content store items
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to list all content store items Given a slug search Then it can find the content store items
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to list all content store items Given no options Then it can display all items with default filters
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to view a content item by id or slug Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to view a content item by id or slug Given an valid id Then then I should get the requested content store item
tests.specs.contentbox-api.ContentStoreSpec ‑ Content Store API Suite Story: I want to view a content item by id or slug Given an valid slug Then then I should get the requested content store item
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EchoSpec ‑ My ContentBox RESTFUl Service can handle an echo
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EchoSpec ‑ My ContentBox RESTFUl Service can handle global exceptions
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EchoSpec ‑ My ContentBox RESTFUl Service can handle invalid HTTP Calls
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EchoSpec ‑ My ContentBox RESTFUl Service can handle missing actions
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to create an entry Given duplicate content slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to create an entry Given invalid data but good content Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to create an entry Given no content on a new content object Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to create an entry Given valid data Then then it should create a new content object
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to delete a entry Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to delete a entry Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to edit an entry Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a content item
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to edit an entry Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to edit an entry Given duplicate content slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to list all entries Given a content search Then it can find the entries
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to list all entries Given a slug search Then it can find the entries
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to list all entries Given no options Then it can display all items with default filters
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to view an entry item by id or slug Given a valid slug Then then I should get the requested entry
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to view an entry item by id or slug Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.EntriesSpec ‑ Entries API Suite Story: I want to view an entry item by id or slug Given an valid id Then then I should get the requested entry
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to create a page Given duplicate content slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to create a page Given invalid data but good content Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to create a page Given no content on a new content object Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to create a page Given valid data Then then it should create a new content object
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to delete a page Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to delete a page Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to edit a page Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a content item
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to edit a page Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to edit a page Given duplicate content slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to list all pages Given a content search Then it can find the page
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to list all pages Given a parent search Then it can display pages from a parent
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to list all pages Given a show on menu search Then it can find pages with showInMenu = false
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to list all pages Given a slug prefix search Then it can find the pages
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to list all pages Given a slug search Then it can find the pages
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to list all pages Given no options Then it can display all items with default filters
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to view a page item by id or slug Given a valid slug Then then I should get the requested page
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to view a page item by id or slug Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.PagesSpec ‑ Pages API Suite Story: I want to view a page item by id or slug Given an valid id Then then I should get the requested page
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to create a site Relocation Given duplicate Relocation slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to create a site Relocation Given invalid data Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to create a site Relocation Given valid incoming data Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to delete a Relocation Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to delete a Relocation Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to edit a Relocation Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a Relocation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to edit a Relocation Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to list all site relocations Given no options Then it can display all site relocations
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to view a Relocation by id or slug Given a valid id Then then I should get the requested Relocation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.RelocationsSpec ‑ Relocations API Suite Story: I want to view a Relocation by id or slug Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SettingsSpec ‑ Global Settings API Suite Story: I want to get global settings Given a valid request Then it can display all global settings
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SiteSettingsSpec ‑ Sites Settings API Suite Story: I want to get site settings Given a valid site slug Then it can display all site settings
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SiteSettingsSpec ‑ Sites Settings API Suite Story: I want to get site settings Given an invalid site slug Then it will show me an error
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to create a site Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to create a site Given duplicate site slug Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to create a site Given invalid data Then it should display an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to delete a site Given a valid id/slug Then then I should see the confirmation
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to delete a site Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to edit a site Given a valid id/slug and valid data Then then it should update a site
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to edit a site Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to list all sites Given a name or description search Then it can find the site
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to list all sites Given inactive flag option Then it can display inactive sites
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to list all sites Given no options Then it can display all sites
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to view a site by id or slug Given an invalid id or slug Then then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to view a site by id or slug Given an valid id Then then I should get the requested site
tests.specs.contentbox-api.SitesSpec ‑ Sites API Suite Story: I want to view a site by id or slug Given an valid slug Then then I should get the requested site
tests.specs.contentbox-api.authSpec ‑ Authentication Specs Story: I want to authenticate a user via username/password and receive a JWT token Given a valid username and password Then I will be authenticated and will receive the JWT token
tests.specs.contentbox-api.authSpec ‑ Authentication Specs Story: I want to authenticate a user via username/password and receive a JWT token Given invalid username and password Then I will receive a 401 invalid credentials exception 
tests.specs.contentbox-api.authSpec ‑ Authentication Specs Story: I want to be able to know who I am by passing my token Given an invalid token Then I should get an error
tests.specs.contentbox-api.authSpec ‑ Authentication Specs Story: I want to be able to know who I am by passing my token Given an valid token Then I should get my information
tests.specs.contentbox-api.authSpec ‑ Authentication Specs Story: I want to be able to logout from the system using my JWT token Given a valid incoming jwt token and I issue a logout Then my token should become invalidated and I will be logged out
tests.specs.contentbox-api.authSpec ‑ Authentication Specs Story: I want to be able to logout from the system using my JWT token Given an invalid incoming jwt token and I issue a logout Then I should see an error message
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox-installer.integration.HomeTest ‑ ContentBox Installer Can finalize the installer
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox-installer.integration.HomeTest ‑ ContentBox Installer Can startup the installer
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox-installer.unit.InstallerServiceTest ‑ Installer Service can process ColdBox Reinit passwords
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.contentbox-email-twofactor.EmailTwoFactorProviderTest ‑ Email Two Factor Provider can generate validation tokens
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.contentbox-email-twofactor.EmailTwoFactorProviderTest ‑ Email Two Factor Provider can get names
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.contentbox-email-twofactor.EmailTwoFactorProviderTest ‑ Email Two Factor Provider can get trusted devices
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.contentbox-email-twofactor.EmailTwoFactorProviderTest ‑ Email Two Factor Provider can send challenges
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.CommentFormTest ‑ Comment Form Widget can render a form with an invalid slug
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.CommentFormTest ‑ Comment Form Widget can render a form with an valid slug
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.CommentFormTest ‑ Comment Form Widget can render a form with no content object passed
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.ContentStoreTest ‑ Content Store Widget can get expired content with a default value of empty
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.ContentStoreTest ‑ Content Store Widget can get invalid content store items with an exception
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.ContentStoreTest ‑ Content Store Widget can get invalid content with a default value
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.integration.widgets.ContentStoreTest ‑ Content Store Widget can get valid content store items
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.comments.CommentsServiceTest ‑ Comment Service Approved Comment Finders can find by content ID
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.comments.CommentsServiceTest ‑ Comment Service Approved Comment Finders can find by content types
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.comments.CommentsServiceTest ‑ Comment Service Approved Comment Finders cand find all
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.comments.CommentsServiceTest ‑ Comment Service can do comment searching by parameters
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.comments.CommentsServiceTest ‑ Comment Service can get approved comment count
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.comments.CommentsServiceTest ‑ Comment Service can get unapproved comment count
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.BaseContentTest ‑ Base Content can add expired data time combinations
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.BaseContentTest ‑ Base Content can add published date time combinations
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.CategoryTest ‑ Categories can get published content store count
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.CategoryTest ‑ Categories can get published entries count
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.CategoryTest ‑ Categories can get published pages count
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.CategoryTest ‑ Categories can produce a memento
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.ContentStoreServiceTest ‑ Content Store Service can search for content items
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.ContentVersionServiceTest ‑ Content Version Service can find related versions
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.EntryServiceTest ‑ Entry Services can find published entries by criteria
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.EntryServiceTest ‑ Entry Services can find published entries by published dates
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.EntryServiceTest ‑ Entry Services can get IDs by slug
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.EntryServiceTest ‑ Entry Services can get archives report
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.EntryServiceTest ‑ Entry Services can search for entries
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.PageServiceTest ‑ Page Services can search for entries
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.PageServiceTest ‑ Page Services cand find published pages
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.RelocationTest ‑ Relocations Can search for a relocation by a partial value of the slug
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.RelocationTest ‑ Relocations Can search for a relocation by siteId
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.RelocationTest ‑ Relocations can produce a memento
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.content.RelocationTest ‑ Relocations will remove leading and trailing slashes from new relocation slugs
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.importers.ContentBoxImporterSpec ‑ ContentBox Importer Service can be created
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.importers.ContentBoxImporterSpec ‑ ContentBox Importer Service can import settings ‑ DB Search Adapter can get the absolute path to the core media root ‑ DB Search Adapter can get the default provider ‑ DB Search Adapter can get the path to the core media root ‑ DB Search Adapter can get the registered providers map ‑ DB Search Adapter can register and get providers ‑ DB Search Adapter can unregister a provider
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.modules.ModuleServiceTest ‑ Module Services Story: Find modules by entry point Given a valid entrypoint Then it should return a new module
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.modules.ModuleServiceTest ‑ Module Services Story: Find modules by entry point Given an invalid entrypoint Then it should return a new module
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.modules.ModuleServiceTest ‑ Module Services can find modules
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.modules.ModuleServiceTest ‑ Module Services can populate a module ‑ DB Search Adapter can do search with no results ‑ DB Search Adapter can do search with results ‑ DB Search Adapter can render search results ‑ DB Search Adapter can render search with no results ‑ Search Results can get the memento ‑ Search Results can populate ‑ Search Service can get the search adapter ‑ Author Service can be created ‑ Author Service can check for existent emails ‑ Author Service can check for existent usernames ‑ Author Service can check for non existent emails ‑ Author Service can check for non existent usernames ‑ Author Service can get status author reports ‑ Author Service can search for authors with 2 factor auth status ‑ Author Service can search for authors without 2 factor auth status ‑ Author Suite can check permissions even without a role ‑ Author Suite can display created dates ‑ Author Suite can display last login timestamps ‑ Author Suite can get and set preferences with marshalling ‑ Author Suite can get/set all preferences ‑ Author Suite can load properly ‑ Security Rule Services can get max orders ‑ Security Rule Services can save rules ‑ Security Rule Services be created ‑ Base Two Factor Provider can get all settings ‑ Two Factor Services Story: I can challenge for two factor authentication with trusted device features Given A global force and a trusted device Then I should NOT challenge ‑ Two Factor Services Story: I can challenge for two factor authentication with trusted device features Given A global force and no trusted device Then I should challenge ‑ Two Factor Services Story: I can challenge for two factor authentication with trusted device features Given No global force but user set authentication and a trusted device Then I should NOT challenge ‑ Two Factor Services Story: I can challenge for two factor authentication with trusted device features Given No global force but user set authentication and no trusted device Then I should challenge ‑ Two Factor Services can get a provider instance ‑ Two Factor Services can get registered providers ‑ Two Factor Services can get the default provider name ‑ Two Factor Services can get the registered providers display map ‑ Two Factor Services can initialize and register the default provider ‑ Two Factor Services can send provider challenges ‑ Two Factor Services can set trusted devices ‑ Two Factor Services can unregister providers ‑ Two Factor Services can validate global force authentication ‑ Two Factor Services can validate trusted devices ‑ Two Factor Services can verify providers
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site base url
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site description
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site email
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site keywords
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site name
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site outgoing email
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site root
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper Site related methods can build the site tag line
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.CBHelperTest ‑ CB Helper can be created
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.SettingServiceTest ‑ Settings Services can flush settings
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.SettingServiceTest ‑ Settings Services can get all settings
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.SiteTest ‑ Site can be created
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.SiteTest ‑ Site can have an empty domain aliases by default
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.system.SiteTest ‑ Site can store domain aliases as a json string
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.AdminMenuServiceTest ‑ Admin Menu Services can generate the menu
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.AdminMenuServiceTest ‑ Admin Menu Services should ignore the removal of non-existent header menu items without throwing exceptions 
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.AdminMenuServiceTest ‑ Admin Menu Services should ignore the removal of non-existent header sub menu items without throwing exceptions 
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.AdminMenuServiceTest ‑ Admin Menu Services should ignore the removal of non-existent sub menu items without throwing exceptions 
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.AdminMenuServiceTest ‑ Admin Menu Services should ignore the removal of non-existent top menu items without throwing exceptions 
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can build the theme registry
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can find maintenance view
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can find the maintenance layout
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.ThemeServiceTest ‑ Theme Services can find the search layout
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.editors.CKEditorTest ‑ CKEditor can compileJS
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.editors.EditorServiceTest ‑ Editor Services can get registered editors
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.editors.EditorServiceTest ‑ Editor Services can register a new editor
tests.specs.contentbox-web.contentbox.unit.ui.editors.EditorServiceTest ‑ Editor Services can unregister editors