Releases: OriolFalip/NodeJS_tutorial
Serving static CSS files
In this version, HTML files are clean of style CSS code. Instead, CSS code is written in a .css files, and those files sent to the client via Express static method.
Serving HTML files
Serving views to users acording to the page they are currently in. Those views have no styling. In the following versions, styling will be added.
Starting of th e shop. Routes done properly, in a good way, by creating a new folder called routes where all routes will be handeled.
Starting point for a Shop web page. Using Express.js middleware features. Routing through some pages in the hard way.
In the following versions, a proper routing, in separate files and folders will be implemented, and the shop enhanced.
Using Express.js and other packages such as Nodemon
Start using Express.js features such as the concept of Middlewares
This release includes paths in our webpage, HTML forms to allow users to input messages and how to read this request body.
This shows how to make routes, but in a way that all code is together and difficult to read. In future editions, routers will be used and code will be clear and readable.
In this next stage, responses have been added in the hard way. That is, manually writing line by line in the res object with res.write() everything our repsonse needs. For instance, the HTML code, headers etc.
In the following lectures, this will be done in an easy way by using Express.
This is just the first step, where a server is created with NodeJS. By making use of the http module to create a server and listen to requests.