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Voucher Support

Robin edited this page Aug 10, 2024 · 2 revisions


One of the most common suggestions for EternalTags is to implement redeemable tags for players to use and redistribute throughout the plugin. Although this is a very good suggestion, it's been intentionally avoided so the plugin isn't bloated. The primary functionality is to handle the equipping/removing of tags. Displaying and Redeeming tags is reliant on other plugins.

Here I have compiled a list of Plugins which can be used to give players redeemable tags.

Vouchers (Oribuin)

This is the personal recommendation which was designed with EternalTags in mind, the plugin has a good amount of flexibility with how it can be used and has a very similar syntax to DeluxeMenus, Additionally, the first time installation comes with Example Files to show how it can be used

Create a file within the /vouchers/ folder and add this anywhere in the file. Change as neccessary

    material: NAME_TAG
    name: '&f&l<#FFD700^-^&f&l>'
      - ' &7| &fRight click to unlock'
      - ' &7| &fthe &eSmiley &ftag!'
      - ''
    amount: 1
    glow: true
    - '[message] &cYou already have this tag unlocked.'
      type: '!permission'
      input: 'eternaltags.tags.smiley_face'
    - '[console] lp user %player_name% permission set eternaltags.tags.smiley_face true'
    - '[console] tags set %player_name% smiley_face'