This repository contains the backend functionalities of a Portal Management Software. The software is efficiently designed to streamline communication and information sharing between students, teachers, and administrators. Transcript Generator
- Node js
- Typescript
- Express
- Mongoose
- dotenv
- Joi
- Jsonwebtoken
- Jest
- SuperTest
- Bcrypt
- Morgan
- Passport
- Clone the repo
- Run `npm install ` in your terminal to install packages in package.json
- Create a `.env file` and fill in values for the following variables: - `DATABASE_URI`
- Finally run `npm start` in your terminal
: Server Health Check ] -
: Register a new staff]/api/admins/register
: Login a staff]/api/admins/login
: get all staffs]/api/admins
: get a single staff]/api/admins/<id>
: update a staff]/api/admins/update
: delete a staff]/api/admins/delete
: Create a new class]/api/classes/register
: get all classes]/api/classes
: get a single class]/api/classes/<id>
: update a class]/api/classes/update/<id>
: delete a class]/api/classes/delete/<id>
: Register a new student]/api/students/register
: Login a student]/api/students/login
: Upload a student]/api/students/upload
: get all students]/api/students
: get a single student]/api/students/<id>
: update a student]/api/students/update
: delete a student]/api/students/delete
API Documentation
: get API Documentation]
To view the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERM) navigate here
Copyright (c) 2023