VoiX -- An Open-Source Vocal Eliminator - http://vocaleliminator.sourceforge.net/
Original source at http://vocaleliminator.sourceforge.net/ VoiX project maintained by Zhang Zhichao ( z z c w o r l d @ h o t m a i l . c o m ) Stated as closed due to lack of time.
Originally ported to OS/2 by Mentore Siesto Pisa, Italy mentore.siesto@alice.it
Added the ability to accept input from stdin and output to stdout... no further updates anticipated from myself at this point.
Original readme: VoiX 1.0.0 Beta 5 (http://vocaleliminator.sourceforge.net) Readme file
by Zhang Zhichao
VoiX is an Open Source Vocal Eliminator. There are so many vocal elimination softwares, but few are open-source. So after trying 2 or 3 this kind of softwares, I decide to write my own vocal eliminator.
VoiX is distributed under the GPL license published by the "Free Software Foundation". So you can modify and/or redistribute it under the terms of GPL.
VoiX is developed based on VirtualDub's Center Cut filter by Avery Lee, and written in ANSI C. If you want a Winamp Plugin based on the same algorithm, you can download "dsp_centercut" at moitah.net. ================================================================================
Usage: voix.exe [outfile] [options]
: Cutoff frequency (in Hz) for low-pass filter : Cutoff frequency (in Hz) for high-pass filter
1.0.0 Beta 5 Better realization of "Center Cut" algorithm, Wave file reader improved: 24 Bit PCM wave and 32 Bit IEEE float wave are supported.
1.0.0 Beta 4 Using "Center Cut" algorithm instead of traditional phase substraction;
1.0.0 Beta 3 Wave reader improved.
1.0.0 Beta 4 Parameter reader supported. A high-pass filter added. Settings improved (Pan, Amplitude...).
1.0.0 Beta 1 First version: A channel mixer with a low-pass filter. ================================================================================
TO-DO List
- When processing some songs, VoiX remains some noise in the song. Processing speed needs improving. ================================================================================
If you have any suggestion, please contact me: Zhang Zhichao(zzcworld@hotmail.com) ================================================================================
Special Thanks