Hive Helsinki (School 42) 12th curriculum project (Rank04)
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The repository contains several modules consisting of different exercises related to the basics of C++ programming.
- ex00:
- familiarizes with basic C++ concepts such as string class, related functions and cout.
- ex01:
- introduces classes initialization, cin object of isstream class and further string manipulation and formatting possibilities such as .substr(), .setw(), and .length(). Additionally try / catch statements are used.
- Sets up a phone book by initialising a class 'PhoneBook', containing 8 classes of contacts
- user has options between the 3 commands
which respectively adds contacts (and their details), searches for contacts (first displays entire list of contacts, then by entering index shows contact details) or exits the phone book - in case of invalid input, errors are displayed to the user
- ex00:
- introduces new for allocating memory for a class
- learning about initialising classes on heap vs. stack
- ex01:
- learning about array of classes using new for memory allocation
- ex02:
- introduces concept of references
- ex03:
- reference vs. pointer to a class
- object which contains pointer to a class can be initialised without explicitly assigning value to the class whereby reference requires the object of the class not to be empty
- ex04:
- introduces concepts of ifstream and ofstream
- further string manipulation such as .find(), .erase(), .insert()
- user can give 3 arguments to the program (file name, string1 and string2), the content of the file given to the program is copied into another created file and then the sequence of string2 replaces sequence of string1 (if existing), prints errors in case of invalid arguments
- ex05:
- introduces concept of function pointers in C++
- ex06:
- introduces concept of switch statements
- ex00:
- sets up class for learning about inheritance in later exercises
- ex01:
- introduces concept of inheritance of classes
- initialisation of derived class, which inherits functions and members of base class
- as exercise requires, derived class member variables are initialised with different values
- virtual function and function override used in order to create unique behaviour of derived class function 'attack'
- additionally uses typeid in order to determine if base or derived class object called particular function for custom behaviour
- ex02:
- same as above, further derived class with different values of the member variables is created
- ex00:
- sets up base class and two derived classes
- uses virtal functions and override in order to alter behaviour of derived classes' functions
- ex01:
- derived classes contain member variable to another class
- copy constructor creates deep copies of respective derived classes
- ex02:
- same as above, but base class is made abstract by declaring pure virtual function
- ex00:
- introduces concept of throwing and catching exceptions
- try/catch blocks handle situations where class object is initiated with out of bounce variables
- ex01:
- further class introduced which utilises individual custom exceptions
- ex02:
- abstract class and child classes which inherit exceptions from base class
- ex03:
- exception handling in addition to memory allocation
- nested try/catch blocks to prevent memory leaks
- ex00:
- introduces concept of static casting in C++
- program takes string as argument and converts if possible into char, int, float and double
- ex01:
- uses reinterpret_cast in order to serialize and deserialize / cast between different datatypes
- ex02:
- function that uses randomizer in order to create one out of three derrived class objects
- introduces concept of dynamic casting from base to derived classes (both pointer and references)
- uses this to identify the derived class object to which base object pointer is pointing
- ex00:
- introduces concept of function templates
- swap, min and max function template implementation
- ex01:
- implementation of iter function template, taking array pointer, array length and function pointer as arguments
- ex02:
- implementation of array class template, compatible with different array data types
- handling of [] operator and throwing exceptions in case of out-of-bounds indexing
- ex00:
- creates template for a function that checks occurence of passed integer in an array of integers
- ex01:
- creates template class which utilises std::set array
- sets up member functions to give out shortest and longest span of integers stored in member array
- ex02:
- sets up class which inherits from std::stack
- implements functions for accessing member variable of std::stack in order to be able to iterate through stack
- ex00:
- introduces map array type
- stores bitcoin value of different dates in map array
- compares stored dates of map with dates passed in a file to program (after checking for format and content validity)
- gives out bitcoin value at given date (or proximate date in case date from file passed to program does not exist in map)
- ex01:
- calculator program to which an argument in reverse polish notation can be passed
- uses iss for parsing and stores token into list array
- uses stack array and push/pop sequence for conducting mathematical operations with operators '+', '-', '*', ''
- ex02:
To compile the executables of the different exercises, cd into the exercise folder in question and run:
$ make
To delete all files generated with make, run:
$ make fclean