Extended SWMM5 API for optimization problems
PySWMM - Open Water Analytics
Add features to manipulate the link cross-sections. Changing diameters and type of your conduits.
See in swmm5.py:
Property getters:
getLinkLength() getLinkXsectDiameters() getLinkType()
Property setter:
The lib/linux/swmmapi_extended.so is compiled from modified C source code SEE HERE.
One should load this executable when you want to use the above-stated features.
import pyswmm as swm
with swm.Simulation(inputfile='my_inp.inp', swmm_lib_path='pyswmm_ROOT/lib/linux/swmmapi_extended.so') as sim:
# Example usage
l = sim._model.getLinkLength(link_index)
Multi-objective optimization by progressive improvement of surrogate machine learning models (MOPRISM)
hosted by UNESCO-IHE
supervised by Prof. Dimitri Solomatine and Dr. Juan Carlos Chacon-Hurtado
Huanyu ZHAI - huanyu.zhai@outlook.com