Check out a demo here!
Busy adult and college students with pet may not have time to feed their pets and have to rely on paid services or others means to feed their companions
The Web Controlled Dog Feeder is our solution this issue, that will allow the user to be able to feed their pet from anywhere.
Features to come
•Hosted on DE1-SoC board
•Bowl Status and receive update via Email if bowl is empty.
•Feed Dog
•Stats (How much the dog ate in a day and week)
•Dog Feeder Status
•Fully Modeled and Printed Dog Feeder
•Fully Modeled and Printed Dog Bowl
•Utilize Pressure sensors on dog bowl and feeder
•Fully controlled servo motor to control Dog Feeder
•Create algorithm for accurate design
Futures Feature to come
•Learns your dogs habits
•Automatic feeds dogs based on usual empty dog bowl time
•Won’t over feed dog