Completed develop arrays structuring and library core
Brought the structure of the project to the final form...
Invalid Fixed:
- Replaced broken SmoothSort on BatcherOddEvenMergeSort.
- Returned all documentation back to the header. I am preparing to write documentation;
- Rewrote CHANGELOG for a new design style.
- Added a separate array generation function used by the Array class;
- Added new Getters: getPosition() and getValue();
- Added a Linear Congruent Pseudo-Random Number Generation Method and a Randomizers Testing Function for Uniformity of number generation using Pearson Consistency Criterion;
- Optimized the swap() function;
- Strongly optimized the resize() method;
- Replaced implementations of reset() and respawn() methods with opposite ones;
- Replaced binary search (now it is similar to the binary search that was implemented for LibrarySort);
- Rewrote all standard types to declared aliases;
- Rewrote the giant part of the code, replacing the forced compilation of methods with the forced compilation of classes;
- Decided with the types with which functions and classes will now be compiled (byte8_t == long long int, ubit64_t == unsigned long long int, fbit64_t == double, fbit128_t == long double, asize_t == unsigned int);
- Completely rewrote the old operators (in some even changed the purpose) and added new ones: ^=, =, ==;
- Wrote separate programs for testing the library;
- Completely tested all sorting algorithms;
Array verification:
- The verification function has been finalized: it is now the base array class method used when saving to a data class object;
- Merged all basic functions into a basic class, rewriting them in static methods;
- Merged the moda() and modas() methods into one method, since I created their own structure for them and they both now point to this structure, and the second method uses the first and a little spreads the result (so what is the point if you combine them - nothing will change);
- Merged all exceptions into the namespace EXCEPTION_SET;
- Merged all Randomizers into the namespace RANDOM;
- Merged both categories (classes) of sorts into the namespace SORTING;
- Replaced versions of releases (now the release of the version library will take place only after the completion of full documentation).
Planned old tag 2.3.0