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Bugfix for mixing up Rho0 and rho_ref in Boussinesq PGF (#837)
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* Remove unused local variable I_Rho in int_density

I_Rho = 1.0/rho_0 is never used and therefore removed.

* Add runtime flag RHO_PGF_REF_BUG

This new parameter addresses a bug in Boussinesq finite volume pressure
gradient forces (MOM_PressureForce_FV) that the mean seawater density
Rho_0 and reference density Rho_ref are used incorrectly in several
instances. It should be noted that by default Rho_ref is Rho_0 and
Rho_ref is rarely set to other than Rho_0.

* Bugfix: reference height offset for SAL using bpa

Recover reference height offset (Z_ref) in calculating bottom pressure
for self-attraction and loading in Boussinesq mode.
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herrwang0 authored Feb 24, 2025
1 parent 86ed81f commit 5f23058
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Showing 2 changed files with 54 additions and 40 deletions.
88 changes: 54 additions & 34 deletions src/core/MOM_PressureForce_FV.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ module MOM_PressureForce_FV
logical :: sal_use_bpa = .false. !< If true, use bottom pressure anomaly instead of SSH
!! to calculate SAL.
logical :: tides = .false. !< If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.
real :: Rho0 !< The density used in the Boussinesq
!! approximation [R ~> kg m-3].
real :: rho_ref !< The reference density that is subtracted off when calculating pressure
!! gradient forces [R ~> kg m-3].
logical :: rho_ref_bug !< If true, recover a bug that mixes GV%Rho0 and CS%rho_ref in Boussinesq mode.
real :: GFS_scale !< A scaling of the surface pressure gradients to
!! allow the use of a reduced gravity model [nondim].
type(time_type), pointer :: Time !< A pointer to the ocean model's clock.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_

H_to_RL2_T2 = GV%g_Earth*GV%H_to_RZ
dp_neglect = GV%g_Earth*GV%H_to_RZ * GV%H_subroundoff
alpha_ref = 1.0 / CS%Rho0
alpha_ref = 1.0 / CS%rho_ref
I_gEarth = 1.0 / GV%g_Earth
p_nonvanished = GV%g_Earth*GV%H_to_RZ*CS%h_nonvanished

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -977,7 +978,10 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
! consistent with what is used in the density integral routines [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real :: p0(SZI_(G)) ! An array of zeros to use for pressure [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa].
real :: dz_geo_sfc ! The change in surface geopotential height between adjacent cells [L2 T-2 ~> m2 s-2]
real :: GxRho ! The gravitational acceleration times density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> Pa m-1]
real :: GxRho0 ! The gravitational acceleration times mean ocean density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> Pa m-1]
real :: GxRho_ref ! The gravitational acceleration times reference density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> Pa m-1]
real :: rho0_int_density ! Rho0 used in int_density_dz_* subroutines [R ~> kg m-3]
real :: rho0_set_pbce ! Rho0 used in set_pbce_Bouss subroutine [R ~> kg m-3]
real :: h_neglect ! A thickness that is so small it is usually lost
! in roundoff and can be neglected [H ~> m].
real :: I_Rho0 ! The inverse of the Boussinesq reference density [R-1 ~> m3 kg-1].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1029,8 +1033,20 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
dz_nonvanished = GV%H_to_Z*CS%h_nonvanished
I_Rho0 = 1.0 / GV%Rho0
G_Rho0 = GV%g_Earth / GV%Rho0
GxRho = GV%g_Earth * GV%Rho0
rho_ref = CS%Rho0
GxRho0 = GV%g_Earth * GV%Rho0
rho_ref = CS%rho_ref

if (CS%rho_ref_bug) then
rho0_int_density = rho_ref
rho0_set_pbce = rho_ref
GxRho_ref = GxRho0
I_g_rho = 1.0 / (rho_ref * GV%g_Earth)
rho0_int_density = GV%Rho0
rho0_set_pbce = GV%Rho0
GxRho_ref = GV%g_Earth * rho_ref
I_g_rho = 1.0 / (GV%rho0 * GV%g_Earth)

if ((CS%id_MassWt_u > 0) .or. (CS%id_MassWt_v > 0)) then
MassWt_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 ; MassWt_v(:,:,:) = 0.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1141,17 +1157,16 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
if (use_p_atm) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
pa(i,j,1) = GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - G%Z_ref) + p_atm(i,j)
pa(i,j,1) = GxRho_ref * (e(i,j,1) - G%Z_ref) + p_atm(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
pa(i,j,1) = GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - G%Z_ref)
pa(i,j,1) = GxRho_ref * (e(i,j,1) - G%Z_ref)
enddo ; enddo

if (CS%use_SSH_in_Z0p .and. use_p_atm) then
I_g_rho = 1.0 / (CS%rho0*GV%g_Earth)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
Z_0p(i,j) = e(i,j,1) + p_atm(i,j) * I_g_rho
enddo ; enddo
Expand All @@ -1177,23 +1192,23 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
if ( use_ALE .and. CS%Recon_Scheme > 0 ) then
if ( CS%Recon_Scheme == 1 ) then
call int_density_dz_generic_plm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, &
rho_ref, CS%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, dz_neglect, G%bathyT, &
rho_ref, rho0_int_density, GV%g_Earth, dz_neglect, G%bathyT, &
G%HI, GV, tv%eqn_of_state, US, CS%use_stanley_pgf, dpa(:,:,k), intz_dpa(:,:,k), &
intx_dpa(:,:,k), inty_dpa(:,:,k), &
MassWghtInterp=CS%MassWghtInterp, &
use_inaccurate_form=CS%use_inaccurate_pgf_rho_anom, Z_0p=Z_0p, &
MassWghtInterpVanOnly=CS%MassWghtInterpVanOnly, h_nv=dz_nonvanished)
elseif ( CS%Recon_Scheme == 2 ) then
call int_density_dz_generic_ppm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, &
rho_ref, CS%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, dz_neglect, G%bathyT, &
rho_ref, rho0_int_density, GV%g_Earth, dz_neglect, G%bathyT, &
G%HI, GV, tv%eqn_of_state, US, CS%use_stanley_pgf, dpa(:,:,k), intz_dpa(:,:,k), &
intx_dpa(:,:,k), inty_dpa(:,:,k), &
MassWghtInterp=CS%MassWghtInterp, Z_0p=Z_0p, &
MassWghtInterpVanOnly=CS%MassWghtInterpVanOnly, h_nv=dz_nonvanished)
call int_density_dz(tv_tmp%T(:,:,k), tv_tmp%S(:,:,k), e(:,:,K), e(:,:,K+1), &
rho_ref, CS%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, G%HI, tv%eqn_of_state, US, dpa(:,:,k), &
rho_ref, rho0_int_density, GV%g_Earth, G%HI, tv%eqn_of_state, US, dpa(:,:,k), &
intz_dpa(:,:,k), intx_dpa(:,:,k), inty_dpa(:,:,k), G%bathyT, e(:,:,1), dz_neglect, &
CS%MassWghtInterp, Z_0p=Z_0p, &
MassWghtInterpVanOnly=CS%MassWghtInterpVanOnly, h_nv=dz_nonvanished)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1239,7 +1254,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
if (CS%sal_use_bpa) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
pbot(i,j) = pa(i,j,nz+1) - GxRho * e(i,j,nz+1)
pbot(i,j) = pa(i,j,nz+1) - GxRho_ref * (e(i,j,nz+1) - G%Z_ref)
enddo ; enddo
call calc_SAL(pbot, e_sal, G, CS%SAL_CSp, tmp_scale=US%Z_to_m)
Expand All @@ -1253,7 +1268,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
e(i,j,K) = e(i,j,K) - e_sal(i,j)
pa(i,j,K) = pa(i,j,K) - GxRho * e_sal(i,j)
pa(i,j,K) = pa(i,j,K) - GxRho_ref * e_sal(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
enddo ; endif
Expand All @@ -1265,7 +1280,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
e(i,j,K) = e(i,j,K) - (e_tidal_eq(i,j) + e_tidal_sal(i,j))
pa(i,j,K) = pa(i,j,K) - GxRho * (e_tidal_eq(i,j) + e_tidal_sal(i,j))
pa(i,j,K) = pa(i,j,K) - GxRho_ref * (e_tidal_eq(i,j) + e_tidal_sal(i,j))
enddo ; enddo
enddo ; endif
Expand All @@ -1288,7 +1303,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(p_surf_EOS)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1
! P_surf_EOS here is consistent with the pressure that is used in the int_density_dz routines.
do i=Isq,Ieq+1 ; p_surf_EOS(i) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j)) ; enddo
do i=Isq,Ieq+1 ; p_surf_EOS(i) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j)) ; enddo
call calculate_density(T_top(:,j), S_top(:,j), p_surf_EOS, rho_top(:,j), &
tv%eqn_of_state, EOSdom, rho_ref=rho_ref)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1316,8 +1331,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
S5(1) = S_top(i,j) ; S5(5) = S_top(i+1,j)
pa5(1) = pa(i,j,1) ; pa5(5) = pa(i+1,j,1)
! Pressure input to density EOS is consistent with the pressure used in the int_density_dz routines.
p5(1) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p5(5) = -GxRho*(e(i+1,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p5(1) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p5(5) = -GxRho0*(e(i+1,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
do m=2,4
wt_R = 0.25*real(m-1)
T5(m) = T5(1) + (T5(5)-T5(1))*wt_R
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1351,8 +1366,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
S5(1) = S_top(i,j) ; S5(5) = S_top(i,j+1)
pa5(1) = pa(i,j,1) ; pa5(5) = pa(i,j+1,1)
! Pressure input to density EOS is consistent with the pressure used in the int_density_dz routines.
p5(1) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p5(5) = -GxRho*(e(i,j+1,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p5(1) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p5(5) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j+1,1) - Z_0p(i,j))

do m=2,4
wt_R = 0.25*real(m-1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1464,8 +1479,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
! This is a typical case in the open ocean, so use the topmost interface.
T_int_W(I,j) = T_top(i,j) ; T_int_E(I,j) = T_top(i+1,j)
S_int_W(I,j) = S_top(i,j) ; S_int_E(I,j) = S_top(i+1,j)
p_int_W(I,j) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_E(I,j) = -GxRho*(e(i+1,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_W(I,j) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_E(I,j) = -GxRho0*(e(i+1,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
intx_pa_nonlin(I,j) = intx_pa(I,j,1) - 0.5*(pa(i,j,1) + pa(i+1,j,1))
dgeo_x(I,j) = GV%g_Earth * (e(i+1,j,1)-e(i,j,1))
seek_x_cor(I,j) = .false.
Expand All @@ -1485,8 +1500,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
S_int_W(I,j) = S_b(i,j,k) ; S_int_E(I,j) = S_b(i+1,j,k)
! These pressures are only used for the equation of state, and are only a function of
! height, consistent with the expressions in the int_density_dz routines.
p_int_W(I,j) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_E(I,j) = -GxRho*(e(i+1,j,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_W(I,j) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_E(I,j) = -GxRho0*(e(i+1,j,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))

intx_pa_nonlin(I,j) = intx_pa(I,j,K+1) - 0.5*(pa(i,j,K+1) + pa(i+1,j,K+1))
dgeo_x(I,j) = GV%g_Earth * (e(i+1,j,K+1)-e(i,j,K+1))
Expand All @@ -1503,8 +1518,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
do j=js,je ; do I=Isq,Ieq ; if (seek_x_cor(I,j)) then
T_int_W(I,j) = T_top(i,j) ; T_int_E(I,j) = T_top(i+1,j)
S_int_W(I,j) = S_top(i,j) ; S_int_E(I,j) = S_top(i+1,j)
p_int_W(I,j) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_E(I,j) = -GxRho*(e(i+1,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_W(I,j) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_E(I,j) = -GxRho0*(e(i+1,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
intx_pa_nonlin(I,j) = intx_pa(I,j,1) - 0.5*(pa(i,j,1) + pa(i+1,j,1))
dgeo_x(I,j) = GV%g_Earth * (e(i+1,j,1)-e(i,j,1))
seek_x_cor(I,j) = .false.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1546,8 +1561,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
! This is a typical case in the open ocean, so use the topmost interface.
T_int_S(i,J) = T_top(i,j) ; T_int_N(i,J) = T_top(i,j+1)
S_int_S(i,J) = S_top(i,j) ; S_int_N(i,J) = S_top(i,j+1)
p_int_S(i,J) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_N(i,J) = -GxRho*(e(i,j+1,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_S(i,J) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_N(i,J) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j+1,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
inty_pa_nonlin(i,J) = inty_pa(i,J,1) - 0.5*(pa(i,j,1) + pa(i,j+1,1))
dgeo_y(i,J) = GV%g_Earth * (e(i,j+1,1)-e(i,j,1))
seek_y_cor(i,J) = .false.
Expand All @@ -1567,8 +1582,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
S_int_S(i,J) = S_b(i,j,k) ; S_int_N(i,J) = S_b(i,j+1,k)
! These pressures are only used for the equation of state, and are only a function of
! height, consistent with the expressions in the int_density_dz routines.
p_int_S(i,J) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_N(i,J) = -GxRho*(e(i,j+1,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_S(i,J) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_N(i,J) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j+1,K+1) - Z_0p(i,j))
inty_pa_nonlin(i,J) = inty_pa(i,J,K+1) - 0.5*(pa(i,j,K+1) + pa(i,j+1,K+1))
dgeo_y(i,J) = GV%g_Earth * (e(i,j+1,K+1)-e(i,j,K+1))
seek_y_cor(i,J) = .false.
Expand All @@ -1584,8 +1599,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
do J=Jsq,Jeq ; do i=is,ie ; if (seek_y_cor(i,J)) then
T_int_S(i,J) = T_top(i,j) ; T_int_N(i,J) = T_top(i,j+1)
S_int_S(i,J) = S_top(i,j) ; S_int_N(i,J) = S_top(i,j+1)
p_int_S(i,J) = -GxRho*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_N(i,J) = -GxRho*(e(i,j+1,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_S(i,J) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
p_int_N(i,J) = -GxRho0*(e(i,j+1,1) - Z_0p(i,j))
inty_pa_nonlin(i,J) = inty_pa(i,J,1) - 0.5*(pa(i,j,1) + pa(i,j+1,1))
dgeo_y(i,J) = GV%g_Earth * (e(i,j+1,1)-e(i,j,1))
seek_y_cor(i,J) = .false.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1709,7 +1724,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm

if (present(pbce)) then
call set_pbce_Bouss(e, tv_tmp, G, GV, US, CS%Rho0, CS%GFS_scale, pbce)
call set_pbce_Bouss(e, tv_tmp, G, GV, US, rho0_set_pbce, CS%GFS_scale, pbce)

if (present(eta)) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1836,11 +1851,16 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, SAL_CSp,
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DEBUG", CS%debug, &
"If true, write out verbose debugging data.", &
default=.false., debuggingParam=.true., do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RHO_PGF_REF", CS%Rho0, &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RHO_PGF_REF", CS%rho_ref, &
"The reference density that is subtracted off when calculating pressure "//&
"gradient forces. Its inverse is subtracted off of specific volumes when "//&
"in non-Boussinesq mode. The default is RHO_0.", &
units="kg m-3", default=GV%Rho0*US%R_to_kg_m3, scale=US%kg_m3_to_R)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RHO_PGF_REF_BUG", CS%rho_ref_bug, &
"If true, recover a bug that RHO_0 (the mean seawater density in Boussinesq mode) "//&
"and RHO_PGF_REF (the subtracted reference density in finite volume pressure "//&
"gradient forces) are incorrectly interchanged in several instances in Boussinesq mode.", &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TIDES", CS%tides, &
"If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, '', "DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE", default_answer_date, default=99991231)
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions src/core/MOM_density_integrals.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ subroutine int_density_dz_generic_pcm(T, S, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, rho_0, G_e, HI, &
real :: rho_anom ! The depth averaged density anomaly [R ~> kg m-3]
real, parameter :: C1_90 = 1.0/90.0 ! A rational constant [nondim]
real :: GxRho ! The product of the gravitational acceleration and reference density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> Pa m-1]
real :: I_Rho ! The inverse of the Boussinesq density [R-1 ~> m3 kg-1]
real :: dz ! The layer thickness [Z ~> m]
real :: dz_x(5,HI%iscB:HI%iecB) ! Layer thicknesses along an x-line of subgrid locations [Z ~> m]
real :: dz_y(5,HI%isc:HI%iec) ! Layer thicknesses along a y-line of subgrid locations [Z ~> m]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +203,6 @@ subroutine int_density_dz_generic_pcm(T, S, z_t, z_b, rho_ref, rho_0, G_e, HI, &
js = HI%jsc ; je = HI%jec

GxRho = G_e * rho_0
I_Rho = 1.0 / rho_0
if (present(Z_0p)) then
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
z0pres(i,j) = Z_0p(i,j)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,7 +509,6 @@ subroutine int_density_dz_generic_plm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, rho_ref, &
! with height at the 5 sub-column locations [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, parameter :: C1_90 = 1.0/90.0 ! A rational constant [nondim]
real :: GxRho ! The product of the gravitational acceleration and reference density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> Pa m-1]
real :: I_Rho ! The inverse of the Boussinesq density [R-1 ~> m3 kg-1]
real :: dz(HI%iscB:HI%iecB+1) ! Layer thicknesses at tracer points [Z ~> m]
real :: dz_x(5,HI%iscB:HI%iecB) ! Layer thicknesses along an x-line of subgrid locations [Z ~> m]
real :: dz_y(5,HI%isc:HI%iec) ! Layer thicknesses along a y-line of subgrid locations [Z ~> m]
Expand All @@ -538,7 +535,6 @@ subroutine int_density_dz_generic_plm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, rho_ref, &
Isq = HI%IscB ; Ieq = HI%IecB ; Jsq = HI%JscB ; Jeq = HI%JecB

GxRho = G_e * rho_0
I_Rho = 1.0 / rho_0
if (present(Z_0p)) then
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
z0pres(i,j) = Z_0p(i,j)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -966,7 +962,6 @@ subroutine int_density_dz_generic_ppm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, &
! with height at the 5 sub-column locations [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]
real, parameter :: C1_90 = 1.0/90.0 ! A rational constant [nondim]
real :: GxRho ! The gravitational acceleration times density [R L2 Z-1 T-2 ~> kg m-2 s-2]
real :: I_Rho ! The inverse of the Boussinesq density [R-1 ~> m3 kg-1]
real :: dz ! Layer thicknesses at tracer points [Z ~> m]
real :: dz_x(5,HI%iscB:HI%iecB) ! Layer thicknesses along an x-line of subgrid locations [Z ~> m]
real :: dz_y(5,HI%isc:HI%iec) ! Layer thicknesses along a y-line of subgrid locations [Z ~> m]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -996,7 +991,6 @@ subroutine int_density_dz_generic_ppm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, &
Isq = HI%IscB ; Ieq = HI%IecB ; Jsq = HI%JscB ; Jeq = HI%JecB

GxRho = G_e * rho_0
I_Rho = 1.0 / rho_0
if (present(Z_0p)) then
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
z0pres(i,j) = Z_0p(i,j)
Expand Down

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