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Work more on the FPV module coupling to NIVAFjord
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Maginor committed Sep 2, 2024
1 parent 7366965 commit 9423557
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Showing 5 changed files with 159 additions and 161 deletions.
250 changes: 125 additions & 125 deletions example_notebooks/basic_julia.ipynb

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mobius_jl/mobius.jl
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Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ end

function setup_model(model_file::String, data_file::String, ; store_transport_fluxes::Bool = false, store_all_series::Bool = false, dev_mode::Bool = false)::Model_Data
#mobius_path = string(dirname(dirname(Base.source_path())), "\\") # Doesn't work in IJulia
mobius_path = string(dirname(dirname(@__FILE__)), "\\")
mobius_path = string(dirname(dirname(@__FILE__)), Base.Filesystem.path_separator)

cfg = Mobius_Base_Config(store_transport_fluxes, store_all_series, dev_mode)
cfgptr = Ref(cfg)
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49 changes: 24 additions & 25 deletions models/modules/airsea_fpv.txt
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

module("AirSea", version(0, 1, 1),
module("AirSea FPV", version(0, 1, 1),
air : compartment,
surf : compartment,
fpv : compartment,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ This is a modification to the AirSea module where you can cover a basin with flo
Authors: Francois Clayer, Magnus D. Norling

load("stdlib/seawater.txt", library("Air-sea"))
load("stdlib/seawater.txt", library("Air-sea"), library("Seawater"))
load("stdlib/atmospheric.txt", library("Meteorology"), library("Radiation"))
load("stdlib/physiochemistry.txt", library("Thermodynamics"), library("Water utils"))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,11 +98,17 @@ Authors: Francois Clayer, Magnus D. Norling

flux(out, top_water_heat_sw, [J, day-1], "Net shortwave") { A_surf * (1 - cov) * surf.sw ->> }

flux(out, top_water.heat, [J, day-1], "Net longwave") {
flux(out, top_water.heat, [J, day-1], "Net longwave (water)") {
net_rad := (1 - surf.albedo)*air.lwd - surf.lwu, # W/m2 # TODO: Should really albedo be detracted from longwave?
(! * A_surf * (1 - cov) * net_rad ->>

# TODO: Why need latent and sensible heat fluxes on top of that? Doesn't seem correct? Esp. latent..
flux(out, top_water.heat, [J, day-1], "FPV net heat transfer") {
dtemp := max(0, fpv.temp->[K] - fpv.T_s_back->[K]),
cov * dtemp * A_surf * fpv.A_both ->>

flux(out, top_water.heat, [J, day-1], "Freeze heating") { A_surf * (1 - cov) * ->> } # Energy used to melt ice instead of heating the water body (or other way around with freezing)

flux(out, top_water.heat, [J, day-1], "Latent heat flux") {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,61 +178,54 @@ Authors: Francois Clayer, Magnus D. Norling


# TODO: Make the below work (and add the correct heat budget for the basin?)

k_vis : property("Kinematic viscosity")
A_both : property("FPV heat transfer coef. both side")
h_water : property("FPV heat transfer coef. back side water")
T_s_back : property("FPV back surface temperature")

var(fpv.A_both, [W, m-2, K-1]) {
# Name the magic constants!
1 / (0.000175[m]/(2*148[W, m-1, K-1])+(0.0004[m]/0.21[W, m-1, K-1])+(0.0025[m]/1.8[W, m-1, K-1]))
1 / (0.000175[m]/(2*148[W, m-1, K-1]) + (0.0004[m]/0.21[W, m-1, K-1]) + (0.0025[m]/1.8[W, m-1, K-1]))
} @no_store

var(surf.k_vis, [m 2, s-1]) {
# TODO: Take into account salinity!
dynamic_viscosity_fresh_water(top_water.temp) / rho_water
} @no_store

var(fpv.h_water, [W, m-2, K-1]) {
Nu := 0.664* sqrt(0.1 [m, s-1] * length_FPV / surf.k_vis )* ((dynamic_viscosity_fresh_water(top_water.temp, 0)*C_water / k_water) =>[]^(0.333)),
(Nu * k_water / length_FPV) =>>
# TODO: take into account salinity in dynamic_v
Nu := 0.664*sqrt(0.1[m, s-1]*length_FPV/surf.k_vis) * ((dynamic_viscosity_fresh_water(top_water.temp)*C_water/k_water=>[])^0.333),
} @no_store

var(fpv.temp, [deg_c], "FPV cell temperature") {

# TODO: Name the magic constants, and/or reference the formula

T_air := air.temp->[K],
T_sky := (0.0552 * (T_air=>[]^1.5)) => [K],
T_sky := (0.0552*((T_air=>[])^1.5)) => [K],
T_water := top_water.temp -> [K],
h_air := (2.8 + 3*air.wind=>[]) => [W, m-2, K-1],
B_back := A_both + h_water,
C_back := h_water * T_water,
C_back := h_water*T_water,

T_front := top_water.temp->[K] + 3[K],
eps := 0.001[K]
eps := 0.001[K],
h_sky := (1/(1/0.88+1/0.80-1)) * 5.67e-8[W, m-2, K-4] * (T_front+T_sky)*(T_front^2 + T_sky^2),
h_sky := (1/(1/0.88 + 1/0.80 - 1)) * 5.67e-8[W, m-2, K-4] * (T_front+T_sky)*(T_front^2 + T_sky^2),
B_front := A_both + h_air + h_sky,
C_front := h_air*T_air + h_sky*T_sky,
numer := B_front*B_back*2*A_both - (A_both^2)*(B_front - B_back),
T_cell := (B_front*B_back*(1- FPV_alb)*(1-FPV_eff)*air.g_rad + A_both*(B_back*C_front + B_front*C_back)) / numer -> [deg_c],
T_front_update := ((A_both =>[] * (T_cell->[K])=>[]) + C_front=>[]) / B_front=>[K],
numer := B_front*B_back*2*A_both - (A_both^2)*(B_front + B_back),
T_cell := ((B_front*B_back*(1- FPV_alb)*(1-FPV_eff)*air.g_rad + A_both*(B_back*C_front + B_front*C_back)) / numer) -> [deg_c],
T_front_update := (A_both*(T_cell->[K]) + C_front) / B_front,

T_cell if abs(T_front - T_front_update) < eps,
{T_front <- T_front_update, iterate i} otherwise

var(fpv.T_s_back, [deg_c]) {
A_both*(temp->[K]) + h_water*(top_water.temp->[K]) / (A_both + h_water) -> [deg_c]
(A_both*(temp->[K]) + h_water*(top_water.temp->[K])) / (A_both + h_water) ->>


11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions models/nivafjord_simplycnp_isolated_basin_model.txt
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@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@

model("NIVAFjord-SimplyCNP-IsolatedBasin") {

# TODO: FPV cover does not dynamically affect wind mixing (not sure to how large a degree that would happen).

basin_idx : index_set("Basin index")
layer_idx : index_set("Layer index") @sub(basin_idx)
Expand All @@ -10,6 +13,8 @@ model("NIVAFjord-SimplyCNP-IsolatedBasin") {
layer : compartment("Fjord layer", basin_idx, layer_idx)
sediment : compartment("Fjord sediment", basin_idx, layer_idx)

fpv : compartment("FPV", basin_idx)

water : quantity("Water")
ice : quantity("Ice")
salt : quantity("Salt")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,9 +63,9 @@ model("NIVAFjord-SimplyCNP-IsolatedBasin") {

#TODO: Replace with the one that has FPV covering.
module("AirSea", "AirSea Fjord", air, basin, ice, heat, temp, precip, wind, g_rad, pressure, rho, a_hum, lwd, sw, attn, indicator,
evap, cos_z, loc(basin.freeze_t), loc(basin.area), loc(layer.water[]), loc(layer.water.heat[])))
module("AirSea FPV", air, basin, fpv, ice, heat, temp, precip, wind, g_rad, pressure, rho, a_hum, lwd, sw, attn, indicator,
evap, cos_z, loc(basin.freeze_t), loc(basin.area), loc(layer.water[]), loc(layer.water.heat[])))

dims : preamble("NIVAFjord dimensions", basin_idx, layer_idx, layer),
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8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions models/simplyq_model_pm.txt
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

model("SimplyQ") {
model("SimplyQ with Penman-Monteith") {

sc : index_set("Subcatchment")
lu : index_set("Landscape units")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,13 +68,7 @@ model("SimplyQ") {

###### Set ODE solvers

#par_group("Solver configuration") {
# solver_h : par_real("Solver fractional step", [hr], 2)
# solver_hmin : par_real("Solver relative minimal step", [], 0.01)
#sol : solver("Simply solver", inca_dascru, solver_h, solver_hmin)
sol : solver("Simply solver", inca_dascru, [2, hr], 1e-2)
#sol : solver("Simply solver", euler, solver_h, solver_hmin)

solve(sol, soil.water, gw.water, river.water, air.cos_z)

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