"Repository for coordinating work for potential capabilities ontology"
The purpose of this repository is to coordinate efforts to create an ontology of capabilities.
A web-protege version of the ontology named 'Capability Ontology v_22 April 2018' is available at https://webprotege.stanford.edu
To access the web-protege version you need to create a user account and email Bill Mandrick for permission.
Links to slides and videos for all the talks are available at these links: http://ncorwiki.buffalo.edu/index.php/Capabilities:_Human_and_Machine https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMAyKOCJf8c2aJFMdRcNgPw
Presentations are also found in the documents directory. The content might be out of date with what is posted on the above sites.
Current members are:
Bill Duncan
Shane Hemmer
Peter Koch
Andrew Olewnik
Rasmus Larsen
Barry Smith
Aditi Sonal
Barry Smith
Bill Mandrick
Farhad Ameri
Mark Gryparis
Tom Hagedorn
Ian Grosse
Todd Schneider
J. Neil Otte