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Lists and Named Concepts

Past due by about 5 years 50% complete

We will improve the TranQL language’s usability for building general translational applications and also better position us to integrate tools like the logic of the Broad’s Gene List Sharpener by making lists a first class entity in the language. We will also facilitate queries in which, for example, an initial group of genes is associated with diseases a…

We will improve the TranQL language’s usability for building general translational applications and also better position us to integrate tools like the logic of the Broad’s Gene List Sharpener by making lists a first class entity in the language. We will also facilitate queries in which, for example, an initial group of genes is associated with diseases and those diseases are, in turn, associated with a second list of genes. We need to distinguish between the two lists in both the question and the response. To accomplish these goals, we will enhance the syntax of the TranQL query language by allowing 1) the specification of lists of CURIEs in the where clause and 2) the use of uniquely named concepts in the select clause.
