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CCPP Framework Meeting Minutes 2022 12 20

ligiabernardet edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 10 revisions


Attendees: Mike Kavulich, Dustin Swales, Ligia Bernardet, Cheryl Craig, Grant Firl, Jordan Powers, Dom Heinzeller, Matthew Dawson, Lulin Xue, Courtney Peverley

GitHub issues

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Updates from last time

Previous notes

Other business

  • Mike K. gave talk at AGU last week on CCPP Framework (

  • Using abstract data types

    • ACOM group is bringing some aerosol using abstract data types (as compared to Fortran DDTs)
    • As we move forward, if abstract data types are used by aerosol community, it can become available in the CCPP Framework (it would be as usable as Fortran intrinsic types are today)
    • It would have methods as well
    • created by Steve G./Matt/ACOM which would be a good reference
    • Abstract data types would help interoperability for CCPP physics, esp. interstitials
    • But we need to be careful bcs abstract data types may end up being customized code for specific groups
    • Community would have to define the abstract data types that are needed for a community
    • Francis is implementing an abstract data type specific for CAM so that MAM and KARMA can be used interchangeably in CAM
    • DDTs accessible from the host? Or DDTs constructed by the Framework? The former hinders interoperability.
    • One possibility is to have a bunch of abstract types, e.g., for clouds. It goes through suite. Radiation then can query this type. This allows extending basic information so that a simple scheme can have simple information, while a complex scheme can have extended information.
    • Fortran 2003 is needed (Fortran 90 will not support this)
  • Cheryl is not so optimistic about Steve G. joining the CCPP-Framework effort in the near future. May be just on a limited fashion.

  • CIRA CCPP Framework job is posted:

  • We need to keep an eye on this phys-dyn coupling discussion:

    • Would returning tendencies help what Kevin is trying to do?
    • CESM/CAM requires returning tendencies
  • CCPP Framework paper is moving through the review process:

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