Make secrets available as uppercase environment variables for seamless integration in Docker containers. Optimized for S6 supervised environment.
This is designed and optimized for use with S6 Overlay (See: To use with other init systems, check the To utilize secrets with other init systems section.
COPY ["/", "/"]
# ---------------------
# Build root filesystem
# ---------------------
FROM scratch AS rootfs
# Copy over base files
COPY ["./rootfs", "/"]
# Install S6 Overlay
COPY ["/", "/"]
# Install init-docker-secrets service
COPY ["/", "/"]
# ---------------------
# Build image
# ---------------------
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=rootfs ["/", "/"]
If you use S6 Overlay, then you're ready to go. You just need to use this shebang in your script.
#!/command/with-contenv bash
your-service --your-flags
Alternatively, you can use s6-envdir
or similar tool.
s6-envdir /run/secrets_normalized your-service --your-flags
Note: Due to behaviour of with-contenv
, environment variable S6_KEEP_ENV
must be set to 0
Otherwise, secrets will not be loaded in the environment. If this is not desirable, see To utilize secrets with other init systems section for alternative loading methods. In short, using source /usr/local/lib/load-env /run/s6/container_environment
should be sufficient.
For this to work, you need to make all your core services dependent of init-docker-secrets service.
If you want to use it with other init systems, use this version of docker file:
# ---------------------
# Build root filesystem
# Note that we use busybox as base image and use /rootfs as rootfs build directory
# Busybox is used only for building rootfs, and is not used in the final image
# ---------------------
FROM busybox AS rootfs
# Copy over base files
COPY ["./rootfs", "/rootfs/"]
# Install init-docker-secrets service
COPY ["/", "/rootfs/"]
# Remove S6 Overlay specific files
RUN set -eux \
&& rm -rfv "/rootfs/etc/s6-overlay/"
# Or this to remove only init-docker-secrets files
# RUN set -eux \
# && rm -rfv "/rootfs/etc/s6-overlay/s6-rc.d/init-docker-secrets"
# && rm -rfv "/rootfs/etc/s6-overlay/s6-rc.d/user/contents.d/init-docker-secrets"
# ---------------------
# Build image
# ---------------------
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=rootfs ["/rootfs/", "/"]
ENV NORMALIZED_SECRETS_PATH=/run/secrets_normalized
Also, check and scripts to understand how things are working.
It should be as easy to adapt it by setting NORMALIZED_SECRETS_PATH
environment variable to the directory where normalized secrets are to be stored.
# If not set in Dockerfile use: export NORMALIZED_SECRETS_PATH=/run/secrets_normalized
Then, before starting the service, you just need to load each secret file into the environment. To do this, you can use bundled 'load-env' script.
source /usr/local/lib/load-env /run/secrets_normalized
your-service --your-flags
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.