A Task Management System as the final project of NEU course INFO5100 Application Engineering and Development.
Built a Task Management System based on JavaFX and MySQL, enabling efficient scheduling and organization of daily tasks, and have a visually pleasing and user-friendly interface.
JavaFx, tutorial Getting Started
- Clone the repository into your local machine
- Download JavaFX SDK and MySQL
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- JavaFX
- MVC design pattern
- SceneBuilder
- IntelliJ
OOD/OOP concepts used:
- Inheritance/Polymorphism
- Abstract Classes/Interfaces
- Generics/Collections/Iterators
Data structure used:
- Lists, Stacks, Queues/Priority Queues, Set/MapsGraph
Other tools used:
- Git&GitHub
- Google Drive
- Trello team/tasks management
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