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Guide EN

Fukurou Mishiranu edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 7 revisions

Non-obvious features guide.

Advanced preferences

These preferences are stored in file advanced.json in directory Android/data/com.mishiranu.dashchan/files of external memory and loaded on app start. Preferences are stored in JSON. Configuration file example:

    "userAgent": {
        "dvach": "Mozilla/5.0 (rv:23.0) Gecko/20131011 Firefox/23.0",
        "client": "Mozilla/5.0 (rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0"
    "singleConnection": ["cirno"],
    "googleCookie": {
        "HSID": "j7m0aFJ82lPF7Hd9d",
        "SSID": "nJKpa81jOskq7Jsps",
        "SID": "gjaHjfFJPAN5HO3MVVZpjHFKa_249dsfjHa9klsiaflsd99.asHqjsM2lAS",
        "NID": "87=gkOAkg09AKnvJosKq82kgnDnHj8Om2pLskKhdna02msog8HkdHDlasDf"
    "tabSize": 4

Supported attributes are described below.


userAgent attribute of string type. Allows to change User-Agent for all forums.

"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0"

This attribute also might be an object which allows to change User-Agent for specific forums. client means changing User-Agent for all the reset forums (works like previous type).

"userAgent": {
    "dvach": "Mozilla/5.0 (rv:23.0) Gecko/20131011 Firefox/23.0",
    "client": "Mozilla/5.0 (rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0"

Limiting connections

singleConnection attribute of array type. Contains a forums list. Client won't create more than 1 TCP connection for each forum in this array.

"singleConnection": ["cirno"]

Google cookie

googleCookie attribute of object type. if Google cookie specified, app will use them to load Google reCAPTCHA. This allows to simplify a captcha, up to cancellation (clicking on captcha loading button will be enough). Required cookie: HSID, SSID, SID, NID. You can obtain them from your desktop browser.

"googleCookie": {
    "HSID": "j7m0aFJ82lPF7Hd9d",
    "SSID": "nJKpa81jOskq7Jsps",
    "SID": "gjaHjfFJPAN5HO3MVVZpjHFKa_249dsfjHa9klsiaflsd99.asHqjsM2lAS",
    "NID": "87=gkOAkg09AKnvJosKq82kgnDnHj8Om2pLskKhdna02msog8HkdHDlasDf"

Tabulation size

tabSize of integer type. Can take values from 1 to 8. 8 is default. Allows to change tabulation size in text (tabulation replaces with specified count of spaces).

"tabSize": 4
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