Through one simple example(registration module), i want to shows how to persist data using a Room, Storio and SQLite. Our simple application stored only username and password, of course the real registration module is much more complex.
Android 5.0 or later (Minimum SDK level 21)
Android Studio 3.0 (to compile and use)
Eclipse is not supported
when (index) {
GlobalConst.SQLITE -> {
val contentValues = ContentValues()
contentValues.put(GlobalConst.COL_2, userName)
contentValues.put(GlobalConst.COL_3, password)
sqlLiteDataBase.writableDatabase.insert(GlobalConst.USER_TABLE, null, contentValues)
GlobalConst.STORIO -> {
val user = User()
user.userName = userName
user.password = password
GlobalConst.ROOM -> {
val userRoom = UserRoom()
userRoom.userName = userName
userRoom.password = password
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