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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
create_endpoint POST /api/v1/endpoint Create Endpoint
delete_endpoint_data_quota_by_id DELETE /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/quota/data Remove Data Quota
delete_endpoint_sms_quota_by_id DELETE /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/quota/sms Remove SMS Quota
endpoint_balance_by_endpoint_id_delete DELETE /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/balance Reset Prepaid Balance
endpoint_balance_by_endpoint_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/balance Endpoint Prepaid Balance
endpoint_balance_by_endpoint_id_post POST /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/balance Update Prepaid Balance
endpoint_by_id_delete DELETE /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id} Delete Endpoint
endpoint_by_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id} Get Endpoint
endpoint_by_id_patch PATCH /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id} Update Endpoint
endpoint_connectivity_by_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/connectivity Endpoint Connectivity Status
endpoint_events_by_id GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/event List Endpoint events
endpoint_operator_blacklist_by_endpoint_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/operator_blacklist List Operator Blacklist for Endpoint
endpoint_operator_blacklist_by_ep_id_and_operator_id_delete DELETE /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/operator_blacklist/{operator_id} Remove an Operator from the Blacklist
endpoint_operator_blacklist_by_ep_id_and_operator_id_put PUT /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/operator_blacklist/{operator_id} Add an Operator to the Blacklist
endpoint_quota_data_by_endpoint_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/quota/data Retrieve Data Quota details
endpoint_quota_data_by_endpoint_id_post POST /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/quota/data Set Data Quota
endpoint_quota_sms_by_endpoint_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/quota/sms Show SMS Quota details
endpoint_quota_sms_by_endpoint_id_post POST /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/quota/sms Set SMS Quota
endpoint_sms_by_endpoint_id_and_sms_id_delete DELETE /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/sms/{sms_id} Cancel SMS
endpoint_sms_by_endpoint_id_and_sms_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/sms/{sms_id} SMS details
endpoint_sms_by_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/sms List sent and received SMS
endpoint_sms_by_id_post POST /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/sms Send SMS to an Endpoint
endpoint_stats_by_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/stats Endpoint Usage and Costs Statistics
endpoint_stats_daily_by_id_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/stats/daily Endpoint Usage and Costs Statistics per day
endpoint_status_get GET /api/v1/endpoint/status List Endpoint Statuses
get_connectivity_info_by_endpoint_id GET /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/connectivity_info Connectivity Info of an Endpoint
get_endpoints GET /api/v1/endpoint List Endpoints
update_endpoint_connectivity_by_id PATCH /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/connectivity Reset Endpoint Connectivity


create_endpoint(endpoint) Create Endpoint

If a sim object is provided, the SIM with the contained ID will be assigned to the endpoint. The activate property defaults to true and can be omitted unless the SIM should not be activated with this API call. The following fields may be provided: * name (String required) * service_profile (Object required) * tariff_profile (Object required) * status (Object required) - 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled! * tags (String optional) * imei (String optional) * imei_lock (Boolean optional) * sim (Object optional) - id (number required) SIM ID to be assigned to this endpoint - activate (Boolean, optional, default:true) * ip_address (String optional) * ip_address_space (Object, optional if IP address is omitted, mandatory when IP address is set)


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint Endpoint [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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delete_endpoint_data_quota_by_id(endpoint_id) Remove Data Quota

Will delete the data quota for the endpoint, if any is set. Note that if apply_data_quota is still set in the service profile, the endpoint will get blocked from data service.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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delete_endpoint_sms_quota_by_id(endpoint_id) Remove SMS Quota

Will delete the SMS quota for the endpoint, if any is set. Note that if apply_sms_quota is still set in the service profile, the endpoint will get blocked from sending sms.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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endpoint_balance_by_endpoint_id_delete(endpoint_id) Reset Prepaid Balance

A DELETE request will reset the prepaid balance to a value of zero, in the current organisation currency. * Location updates will be rejected * PDP context requests will be rejected * MO-SMS will not be acknowledged and will time out


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::RetrievePrepaidBalanceresponse endpoint_balance_by_endpoint_id_get(endpoint_id) Endpoint Prepaid Balance

Retrieves the balance of an Endpoint. The following properties are returned: * amount: the current balance in currency with up to 6 decimal places of precision * the amount may reach a negative value by deduction through the API or by deferred processing of usage charges * If the amount is 0 or negative, the endpoint will be blocked from using teleservices, specifically * Location updates will be rejected * PDP context requests will be rejected * MO-SMS will not be acknowledged and will time out * currency: a nested object with info on the currency represented by the amount * auto_reset: if enabled, the balance will be set automatically to the last loaded amount at the beginning of the month * last_loaded_amount: the amount of the last top-up/patch transaction


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_balance_by_endpoint_id_post(endpoint_id, update_prepaid_balanceresponse) Update Prepaid Balance

At any time, the prepaid balance of an endpoint can be updated either by adding or subtracting a certain amount. If the currency of the balance does not match the currency of the organisation, first a balance reset has to be issued. the currency doesn't have to be specified explicitly anymore. The API expects the following parameters in the JSON body * amount (number, required) - A positive or negative value with up to 6 decimal places of precision. The new balance will be the sum of the old balance plus this amount. As given amounts may be negative, the result will be a deduction from the balance * expiry_date (string, required) - A timestamp specifying an expiry date in the future


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
update_prepaid_balanceresponse Option<UpdatePrepaidBalanceresponse>

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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endpoint_by_id_delete(endpoint_id) Delete Endpoint

Deletes an endpoint and all its child entities. Please ensure the endpoint does not have a SIM assigned, otherwise the deletion will fail.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::Endpoint endpoint_by_id_get(endpoint_id) Get Endpoint

Retrieves information on an endpoint with a given id.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_by_id_patch(endpoint_id, update_endpoint) Update Endpoint

Updates the details of an endpoint. You can provide following fields with this request: * name (String, optional) * tags (String, optional) * status (Object, optional) * service profile (Object, optional) * tariff profile (Object, optional) * ip_address (String, optional) * ip_address_space (Object optional if IP address is missing, mandatory when IP address is set) * sim (Object, optional) * imei (String, optional) * imei_lock (Boolean, optional)


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
update_endpoint UpdateEndpoint [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::RetrieveEndpointConnectivityStatusresponse endpoint_connectivity_by_id_get(endpoint_id) Endpoint Connectivity Status

Retrieve details about current connectivity status of endpoint. The following is a list of possible statuses: * ATTACHED: The Endpoint has succesfully attached to the Home Core network in the past. The device will be shown as ATTACHED until the visited network has signaled that the device is inactive/offline. Usually the visited network informs the Core Network within 1-2 days after a device went offline. * ONLINE: The Endpoint has an active data connection * OFFLINE: The Endpoint has not attached to the core network yet or the device was previously attached but the visited network signaled that the device had no activity for the last 1-2 days. Note: The device is not reachable for external services (e.g. SMS, MSRN lookup). * BLOCKED: The device is not granted service. Endpoints are assigned this status when they have exceeded traffic limits.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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crate::models::RetrieveEventsresponse endpoint_events_by_id(endpoint_id, page, per_page, sort, q) List Endpoint events

Returns the list of events, filtered, sorted and paged according to query parameters. Note: A full list of events is found in section "Retrieve Event Types" (/api/v1/event/type). CAUTION This API endpoint deviates from the specified conventions and may not return the same HTTP Codes as the higher layer call (/api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}). In case the requested {endpoint_id} does not exist or is not accessible for the user, HTTP 200 will be returned with empty [] as long as the provided {endpoint_id} is a number and all parameters are valid. Please take that into consideration when building automation on top of the error behaviour of this endpoint.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
page Option<i32> Current page number
per_page Option<i32> Paging parameters defining the number of items per page
sort Option<String> Sort properties according to a comma separated list of accepted fields. Valid fields are: * id - (event id) * timestamp - (event timestamp) * source - (event source) * severity - (event severity) * alert - (alert status) * organisation - (organisation name) * user - (user id) * endpoint - (endpoint name) * tags - (endpoint tags) * ip_address - (endpoint ip_address) * iccid - (sim iccid) * imsi - (sim imsi) * type - (event type)
q Option<String> Filter parameter in <filter>:<value> format. Multiple filters must be in the format of a comma separated list of the following fields: * type (event_type, numerical) * source (event_type, numerical, e.g. 0 = Network), 1 = Policy Control, 2 = API) * severity (event_severity, numerical, e.g. 0 = Info, 1 = Warn), 2 = Critical) * alert (boolean, e.g. true, false) * description (event description, string) * organisation (organisation name, string) * user (user name, string) * endpoint (endpoint name, string) * tags (endpoint tags, string) * ip_address (endpoint IP address, valid IPv4/IPv6 address) * imei (endpoint imei, numerical string) * iccid (sim iccid, numerical string) * imsi (sim imsi, numerical string) * from (date, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ, only valid with until!) * until (date, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ, only valid with from!) * timestamp (date, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ, for querying events of 1 day, deprecated in future)

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::RetrieveOperatorBlacklistresponse endpoint_operator_blacklist_by_endpoint_id_get(endpoint_id) List Operator Blacklist for Endpoint

Returns a list of blacklisted Operators for the requested Endpoint


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_operator_blacklist_by_ep_id_and_operator_id_delete(endpoint_id, operator_id) Remove an Operator from the Blacklist

Remove Operator from the Blacklist of an Endpoint.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
operator_id f32 Numerical ID of an Operator [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_operator_blacklist_by_ep_id_and_operator_id_put(endpoint_id, operator_id) Add an Operator to the Blacklist

Adds an Operator to the Blacklist of an Endpoint.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
operator_id f32 Numerical ID of an Operator [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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crate::models::EndpointQuota endpoint_quota_data_by_endpoint_id_get(endpoint_id) Retrieve Data Quota details

Returns details about the assigned Data Quota for an endpoint. * status: this indicates the current status of the quota and may contain the following values: - ACTIVE: the endpoint can currently connect and has quota left - EXHAUSTED: the endpoint has exceeded the quota volume, if it still can use data service depends on the action chosen to be performed on exhaustion - EXPIRED: the quota has expired; the endpoint is denied from using data services (until new quota is added) * volume: returns the volume left on this quota in MB * expiry_date: timestamp when this quota will expire and the endpoint will definitely be denied from using further data services (regardless if the quota volume was used up or not) * peak_throughput: The maximum bandwidth in octets per second after the endpoint has been throttled. * action_on_exhaustion: returns the behaviour defined to be applied when quota volume is used up (exhausted). - Throttle: bandwidth will be throttle to the defined peak throughput until quota expires - Block: data service will be instantly blocked once volume used up, regardless if the expiry date is already reached or not * auto_refill: 0 (false) / 1 (true), refill the quota with the last added volume on a daily basis


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_quota_data_by_endpoint_id_post(endpoint_id, endpoint_quota) Set Data Quota

At any time, a new data quota can be set for an endpoint. At an initial state when no data quota is set, the endpoint will be denied from using data services. To top-up the data volume you need to retrieve the currently remaining volume, increase it by the top-up volume and set it as the new quota volume. The following parameters can be configured: * status - The status of the quota (mandatory): - 1: ACTIVE - 2: EXHAUSTED - 3: EXPIRED * volume: The volume left on this quota in MB * expiry_date: Timestamp when this quota will expire and the endpoint will definitely be denied from using further data services (mandatory) * auto_refill: Wether the quota shall be refilled on a daily basis (defaults to disabled): - 0: disabled - 1: enabled * threshold_percentage: The percentage of remaining quota at which the system should generate a threshold reached event * action_on_exhaustion: The behaviour of the system after the quota is exhausted: - id: ID of the action on quota exhaustion (mandatory) - 1: Block - 2: Throttle - peak_throughput: The maximum bandwidth in octets per second after the endpoint has been throttled. (mandatory) Allowed values are 64000, 128000, 256000, 384000. (will not take any effect on action_on_exhaustion "Block") #### Events The system generates a "Quota Used Up" Event in case the data quota is completely depleted. The endpoint will be blocked from further consumption of data. The quota object will be included in the details of the event. Example events can be found in the Events of an Endpoint section. #### Notes The endpoint can instantly use data services after the API call to this entrypoint is successfully made. Any timestamp with a future date can be set, this allows to create data packages (e.g. for 1 hour, 24 hour, 7 days or any other timeframe) as required.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
endpoint_quota EndpointQuota [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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serde_json::Value endpoint_quota_sms_by_endpoint_id_get(endpoint_id) Show SMS Quota details

Returns details about the assigned SMS Quota for an endpoint. You can retrieve the current SMS quota status for an endpoint with the following API call. It will return following properties: * status: this indicates the status of the quota and may contain the following values: - ACTIVE: the endpoint has quota left and can use SMS services - EXHAUSTED: the endpoint has exceeded the quota volume; the endpoint is denied from using SMS services (until new quota is added) - EXPIRED: the quota has expired; the endpoint is denied from using SMS services (until new quota is added) * volume: the amount of SMS left on this quota * expiry_date: timestamp when this quota will expire and the endpoint will definitely be denied from using further SMS services (regardless if the quota volume was used up or not) * threshold_percentage: optional threshold in percentage indicating when a "Threshold Reached" event shall be sent. * action_on_exhaustion: returns the behaviour defined to be applied when quota volume is used up (exhausted). - Throttle: bandwidth will be throttle to the defined peak throughput until quota expires - Block: data service will be instantly blocked once volume used up, regardless if the expiry date is already reached or not - auto_refill: 0 (false) / 1 (true), refill the quota with the last added volume on a daily basis


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_quota_sms_by_endpoint_id_post(endpoint_id, sms_quota) Set SMS Quota

At any time, a new SMS quota can be set for an endpoint. At an initial state when no SMS quota is set, the endpoint will be denied from using SMS services. To top-up the SMS volume one need to retrieve the currently left volume, increase it by the top-up volume and set it as the new quota volume. The following parameters can be configured: * status - The status of the quota (mandatory): - 1: ACTIVE - 2: EXHAUSTED - 3: EXPIRED * volume: The volume left on this quota in MB * expiry_date: Timestamp when this quota will expire and the endpoint will definitely be denied from using further data services (mandatory) * auto_refill: Wether the quota shall be refilled on a daily basis (defaults to disabled): - 0: disabled - 1: enabled * threshold_percentage: The percentage of remaining quota at which the system should generate a threshold reached event * action_on_exhaustion: The behaviour of the system after the quota is exhausted: - id: ID of the action on quota exhaustion (mandatory) - 1: Block - 2: Throttle (will not take any effect on SMS quota) - peak_throughput: The maximum bandwidth in octets per second after the endpoint has been throttled. Allowed values are 64000, 128000, 256000, 384000. (will not take any effect on SMS quota) #### Notes The endpoint can instantly use the SMS service after the API call is successfully made. Any timestamp with a future date can be set, this allows to create SMS packages (e.g. for 1 hour, 24 hour, 7 days or any other timeframe) as required


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
sms_quota SmsQuota [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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endpoint_sms_by_endpoint_id_and_sms_id_delete(endpoint_id, sms_id) Cancel SMS

Cancel SMS that is buffered for endpoint and not yet delivered.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
sms_id f32 The numeric ID of an SMS [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::GetdetailsofSmSresponse endpoint_sms_by_endpoint_id_and_sms_id_get(endpoint_id, sms_id) SMS details

Returns details about an Endpoint SMS by SMS ID. A description of the SMS statuses is as follows: - 1 DELIVERY ATTEMPT PENDING - 2 IN PROGRESS - 3 BUFFERED - 4 DELIVERED - 5 FAILED - 6 EXPIRED - 7 CANCELED


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
sms_id f32 The numeric ID of an SMS [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::ListofSmSresponse endpoint_sms_by_id_get(endpoint_id) List sent and received SMS

Returns the list of SMS sent and received by this endpoint. A description of the SMS statuses is as follows: - 1 DELIVERY ATTEMPT PENDING - 2 IN PROGRESS - 3 BUFFERED - 4 DELIVERED - 5 FAILED - 6 EXPIRED - 7 CANCELED


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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endpoint_sms_by_id_post(endpoint_id, submit_mt_sm_srequest) Send SMS to an Endpoint

Submit MT-SMS to specified endpoint. You can provide following fields with this request: * payload (String, required) - Message text to be sent, UTF-8 encoded * source_address (String, optional) - Source address of SMS: MSISDN, short code or alphanumeric String * source_address_type (Object optional) - Specify type of source address. Should contain an id property with a value of either: - 145 - International - 161 - National - 208 - Alphanumeric * expiry_date (Date, optional) - Expiry date to retain the message until for successful sending. * udh (String, optional) - User Data Header encoded has hex-String. Concatenation of multiple SMS messages is done via this value. * dcs (Integer, optional) - Data Coding Scheme ##### Concatenated SMSs To concatenate SMS messages using udh properties, multiple API calls should be made to this entrypoint. More information on UDH properties can be found in the 3GPP 23.040 specification


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
submit_mt_sm_srequest SubmitMtSmSrequest [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::RetrieveEndpointStatisticsresponse endpoint_stats_by_id_get(endpoint_id) Endpoint Usage and Costs Statistics

Retrieve usage and costs statistics for current/last month/hour. Data traffic costs can only be retrieved for organisations without inclusive volume.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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serde_json::Value endpoint_stats_daily_by_id_get(endpoint_id, start_date, end_date) Endpoint Usage and Costs Statistics per day

Retrieve usage and costs statistics accumulated per days. The statistics for the current month will be returned by default when no date parameters are provided. The start_date and end_date query parameters can be provided to filter the returned results by date range. When a start_date is provided without an end_date, the statistics from the start_date until the end of the selected month will be returned. Data traffic costs can only be retrieved for organisations without inclusive volume.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
start_date Option<String> Filters the returned data by a start date.
end_date Option<String> Returned data will be filtered to only show results occuring before the end date

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::Status endpoint_status_get() List Endpoint Statuses

Returns a list of available Endpoint Statuses


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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crate::models::RetrieveConnectivityInformationresponse get_connectivity_info_by_endpoint_id(endpoint_id, subscriber, ussd) Connectivity Info of an Endpoint

Returns the connectivity information for the specified endpoint by ID.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
subscriber Option<bool> If true, the Subscriber connectivity info is retrieved. Default is true, i.e. subscriber=true
ussd Option<bool> If true, the USSD connectivity info is retrieved. Default is false, i.e. ussd=false

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::Endpoint get_endpoints(q, sort, page, per_page) List Endpoints

Returns the list of endpoints, filtered, sorted and paged according to query parameters.


Name Type Description Required Notes
q Option<String> Filter parameter in <filter>:<value> format. Expects comma separated list of filtering criteria out of the following fields: * status * service_profile * tariff_profile * last_updated * created * name * tags * ip_address * imei * sim_status
sort Option<String> Sort properties in a comma separated list from the following fields: * status * service_profile * tariff_profile * last_updated * created * name * tags * id * ip_address * imei
page Option<i32> Current page number
per_page Option<i32> Paging parameters defining the number of items per page

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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update_endpoint_connectivity_by_id(endpoint_id, update_endpoint_connectivity_by_id_request) Reset Endpoint Connectivity

Dispatch a message that causes either a Cancel Location or Delete PDP Context or both sent to the endpoint. The return of the call does not yet mean the event has been sent towards the device. Master organisation types can reset any endpoints inside their organisation hierarchy, enterprises may only reset connectivity of own endpoints.


Name Type Description Required Notes
endpoint_id i32 The numeric ID of an Endpoint [required]
update_endpoint_connectivity_by_id_request Option<UpdateEndpointConnectivityByIdRequest>

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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