ROS 2 - based project implementing simple covering area with turtlebot3 as vacuum cleaner.
Simulation system for autonomous mobile robot navigation evaluation, which enables to create dynamic simulation environment with random rooms and emerging obstacles. System is described in Domain Specification Language SPSysML ( , which rates system simulation-physical integrality. The thesis proposes indicators used to examinate navigation algorithms. The work is a proposal of a standard for quality indicators used when evaluating navigation algorithms of mobile robots
ROS 2 Foxy
Install dependencies
pip3 install meshlib
pip3 install aspose-words
Clone project
cd ~/vc_ws/src
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake vacuum_cleaner_pkg
sudo rm -r vacuum_cleaner_pkg
git clone
cd ..
colcon build
cd vc_ws/ && source ~/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash && source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash && source install/setup.bash
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle && ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
Manualy spawn map from /home/user/.gazebo/models and drop robot to map frames and run algorithm.
-- random walk
ros2 run vacuum_cleaner_pkg main_node random
-- spiral walk
ros2 run vacuum_cleaner_pkg main_node spiral
-- snaking walk
ros2 run vacuum_cleaner_pkg main_node snaking
Generate world with command
-- generate model 3D
-- generate model 2D
-- spawn obstacles
Generating the real world to simulation
Generating the real world to simulation example
Generate random visualization
Generate random visualization example
Simulation agent decomposition
Physical agent decomposition
Controller integrity factor IFF = 1. The higher the IIF value, the more software components are shared between the simulation and physical embodiments. Maximum IIF value is 1 - all abstract hardware parts of the system are common.
Driver generalisation factor DGF = 1. The higher the value, the easier it is to integrate physical and simulated hardware in the future.
Digital Twin coverage DTC = 1. All physical parts have digital twins.
Mirror integrity factor MIFRobot = 1. Parts of the system between the physical and digital twins that make up the robot are shared.