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Merge pull request #4 from MaastrichtU-BISS/metrics_alternative
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Introduce an alternative wrappers for regression metrics
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telegraphroad authored Jan 29, 2025
2 parents 71160f5 + ffef693 commit e8dadc3
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Showing 20 changed files with 734 additions and 464 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/faivor/metrics/classification/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from .classification_metrics import (

class ClassificationMetrics:
def __init__(self):
self.performance = performance
self.fairness = fairness
self.explainability = explainability

# Create an instance for easy access
metrics = ClassificationMetrics()
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/faivor/metrics/classification/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from ..config_loader import load_metrics

PERFORMANCE_METRICS, FAIRNESS_METRICS, EXPLAINABILITY_METRICS = load_metrics("classification/classification_metrics.yaml")
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/faivor/metrics/classification/classification_metrics.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
- function_name: accuracy_score
regular_name: Accuracy Score
description: Accuracy classification score.
func: sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: balanced_accuracy_score
regular_name: Balanced Accuracy Score
description: Balanced accuracy classification score.
func: sklearn.metrics.balanced_accuracy_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: average_precision_score
regular_name: Average Precision Score
description: Compute average precision (AP) from prediction scores.
func: sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: f1_score
regular_name: F1 Score
description: F1 score, harmonic mean of precision and recall.
func: sklearn.metrics.f1_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: precision_score
regular_name: Precision Score
description: Precision classification score.
func: sklearn.metrics.precision_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: recall_score
regular_name: Recall Score
description: Recall classification score.
func: sklearn.metrics.recall_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: roc_auc_score
regular_name: ROC AUC Score
description: Compute Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC AUC) from prediction scores.
func: sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: jaccard_score
regular_name: Jaccard Score
description: Jaccard similarity coefficient.
func: sklearn.metrics.jaccard_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: log_loss
regular_name: Log Loss
description: Log loss, aka logistic regression loss or cross-entropy loss.
func: sklearn.metrics.log_loss
is_torch: false
- function_name: matthews_corrcoef
regular_name: Matthews Correlation Coefficient
description: Compute the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC).
func: sklearn.metrics.matthews_corrcoef
is_torch: false
- function_name: brier_score_loss
regular_name: Brier Score Loss
description: Compute the Brier score loss.
func: sklearn.metrics.brier_score_loss
is_torch: false
- function_name: top_k_accuracy_score
regular_name: Top K Accuracy Score
description: Top-k accuracy classification score.
func: sklearn.metrics.top_k_accuracy_score
is_torch: false
- function_name: roc_curve
regular_name: ROC Curve
description: Compute Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
func: sklearn.metrics.roc_curve
is_torch: false
- function_name: precision_recall_curve
regular_name: Precision Recall Curve
description: Compute precision-recall pairs for different probability thresholds.
func: sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve
is_torch: false
- function_name: hamming_loss
regular_name: Hamming Loss
description: Compute the average Hamming loss or Hamming distance between two sets of samples.
func: sklearn.metrics.hamming_loss
is_torch: false
- function_name: zero_one_loss
regular_name: Zero One Loss
description: Zero-one classification loss.
func: sklearn.metrics.zero_one_loss
is_torch: false
- function_name: confusion_matrix
regular_name: Confusion Matrix
description: Compute confusion matrix to evaluate the accuracy of a classification.
func: sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix
is_torch: false

- function_name: disparate_impact
regular_name: Disparate Impact
description: Calculates the disparate impact for classification by comparing the rate of favorable outcomes for different groups.
func: faivor.metrics.classification.fairness.disparate_impact
is_torch: false

- function_name: prediction_entropy
regular_name: Prediction Entropy
description: Calculates the entropy of predictions to measure model uncertainty.
func: faivor.metrics.classification.explainability.prediction_entropy
is_torch: false
77 changes: 41 additions & 36 deletions src/faivor/metrics/classification/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,41 @@
from typing import List
from sklearn import metrics as skm

__all__ = ["ClassificationExplainabilityMetrics"]

class ClassificationExplainabilityMetricsMeta(type):
"""Metaclass for dynamically creating classification explainability metric classes."""

_WHITELISTED_METRICS: List[str] = [] # sklearn doesn't provide direct explainability metrics

def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
"""Creates a new class, inheriting from skm metrics."""
for metric_name in mcs._WHITELISTED_METRICS:
metric_function = getattr(skm, metric_name, None)
if metric_function:
def method_wrapper(self, y_true, y_pred, **kwargs):
return metric_function(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)
dct[metric_name] = method_wrapper
return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)

class BaseClassificationExplainabilityMetrics:
"""Base class for classification explainability metrics."""

class ClassificationExplainabilityMetrics(BaseClassificationExplainabilityMetrics, metaclass=ClassificationExplainabilityMetricsMeta):
"""Class for classification explainability metrics."""

def custom_prediction_entropy(self, probas):
"""Calculate the average entropy of prediction probabilities."""
import numpy as np
probas = np.asarray(probas)
log_probs = np.log2(probas)
return -np.mean(np.sum(probas * log_probs, axis=1))
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import entropy

def prediction_entropy(y_prob) -> float:
Calculates the entropy of predictions for classification.
Entropy is a measure of uncertainty. Higher entropy in predictions indicates
higher model uncertainty. This function computes the average entropy across all predictions.
y_prob : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or (n_samples,)
The predicted probabilities for each class. Can be either:
- A 2D array of shape (n_samples, n_classes) where each row represents
the probability distribution over classes for a single sample.
- A 1D array of shape (n_samples,) for binary classification, representing
the probability of the positive class (class 1).
The average prediction entropy. Returns np.nan if input is empty or invalid.
y_prob = np.asarray(y_prob)
if y_prob.size == 0:
return np.nan

if y_prob.ndim == 1: # assume binary classification and probabilities are for positive class
y_prob = np.vstack([1 - y_prob, y_prob]).T # create 2D prob array: [[p(class0), p(class1)], ...]

if np.any(y_prob < 0) or np.any(y_prob > 1):
return np.nan # probabilities should be between 0 and 1

# Normalize probabilities to ensure they sum to 1 (handle potential rounding errors)
y_prob_normalized = y_prob / np.sum(y_prob, axis=1, keepdims=True)

# Calculate entropy for each prediction
entropies = entropy(y_prob_normalized, axis=1)

return np.mean(entropies)
129 changes: 55 additions & 74 deletions src/faivor/metrics/classification/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,74 +1,55 @@
from typing import List
from sklearn import metrics as skm
from torchmetrics import Accuracy, F1Score, Precision, Recall
import torch
__all__ = ["ClassificationFairnessMetrics"]

class ClassificationFairnessMetricsMeta(type):
"""Metaclass for dynamically creating classification fairness metric classes."""

"accuracy_score", # useful for group fairness comparisons

def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
"""Creates a new class, inheriting from skm metrics."""
for metric_name in mcs._WHITELISTED_METRICS:
metric_function = getattr(skm, metric_name, None)
if metric_function:
def method_wrapper(self, y_true, y_pred, **kwargs):
return metric_function(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)
dct[metric_name] = method_wrapper

for metric_name in ["accuracy", "f1_score", "precision", "recall"]:
if metric_name == "accuracy":
metric_class = Accuracy
elif metric_name == "f1_score":
metric_class = F1Score
elif metric_name == "precision":
metric_class = Precision
elif metric_name == "recall":
metric_class = Recall

def torchmetrics_method_wrapper(self, y_true, y_pred, **kwargs):
metric = metric_class(task = "binary", **kwargs)
return metric(
torch.tensor(y_pred, dtype = torch.float32),
torch.tensor(y_true, dtype=,
dct[metric_name] = torchmetrics_method_wrapper
return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)

class BaseClassificationFairnessMetrics:
"""Base class for classification fairness metrics."""

class ClassificationFairnessMetrics(BaseClassificationFairnessMetrics, metaclass=ClassificationFairnessMetricsMeta):
"""Class for classification fairness metrics."""

def custom_disparate_impact(self, y_true, y_pred, sensitive_attribute):
"""Calculates Disparate Impact for classification."""
import numpy as np
y_true, y_pred, sensitive_attribute = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred), np.asarray(sensitive_attribute)

unique_sensitive_values = np.unique(sensitive_attribute)
if len(unique_sensitive_values) < 2:
return np.nan

group_positive_rates = []
for value in unique_sensitive_values:
group_mask = sensitive_attribute == value
if group_mask.sum() == 0:
group_positive_rates.append(np.mean(y_pred[group_mask] == np.max(y_pred))) # Assuming 1 is the positive class

group_positive_rates = np.asarray(group_positive_rates)
if np.isnan(group_positive_rates).any():
return np.nan

return np.min(group_positive_rates) / np.max(group_positive_rates)

import numpy as np

def disparate_impact(y_true, y_pred, sensitive_attribute, favorable_outcome=1) -> float:
Calculates Disparate Impact for classification.
Disparate Impact (DI) is the ratio of the rate of favorable outcomes for the
disadvantaged group compared to the advantaged group. A common threshold for
concern is DI < 0.8, indicating potential adverse impact.
y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
The true target values (binary: 0 or 1).
y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
The predicted target values (binary: 0 or 1).
sensitive_attribute : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
The sensitive attribute values (categorical).
favorable_outcome : int or float, default=1
The value representing the favorable outcome in y_true and y_pred.
The disparate impact ratio. Returns np.nan if there's only one group or
if the advantaged group has no favorable outcomes.
y_true, y_pred, sensitive_attribute = (

unique_sensitive_values = np.unique(sensitive_attribute)
if len(unique_sensitive_values) < 2:
return np.nan # Not applicable for less than 2 groups

favorable_rates = {}
for value in unique_sensitive_values:
group_mask = sensitive_attribute == value
group_size = group_mask.sum()
if group_size == 0:
favorable_rates[value] = 0 # Handle empty groups to avoid division by zero later, assume 0 favorable rate
favorable_outcomes_count = np.sum(y_pred[group_mask] == favorable_outcome)
favorable_rates[value] = favorable_outcomes_count / group_size

rates = np.array(list(favorable_rates.values()))
min_rate = np.min(rates)
max_rate = np.max(rates)

if max_rate == 0: # avoid division by zero if advantaged group has no favorable outcomes
return np.nan

return min_rate / max_rate

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