The web service for the SuperMileage car. Displays things such as speed and RPM on a live browser window. Live production url:
- This is the cloud based service running Node.JS
- The android phone sends the data to here so the pit is able to view the data live!
- Sends the data over a cellular network up into the cloud
- Every push to the production branch is a live deploy to the cloud
- Node.JS
- Git
- Install the NodeEclipse plugin in eclipse:
- Install EGit into eclipse:
- Install an HTML editor for eclipse:
- Goto Help > Eclipse Marketplace, search for html editor and install
- Create a new Node.JS project with the name SM-Web and all the default selections
- Create a new file in the project and name it with your name
- Make sure you delete your file in the project!
- Right click on the project > Team > Share Project...
- Click Use or create repository in parent folder or project
- Click on the project and click Create Repository and click Finish
- Right click on the project > Team > Commit...
- Add a commit message and ONLY select the file with your name, then click Commit and Push
- Click New Remote, name it master and put the URI as: and click Finish
- Click Next and it should give you an error: non-fast-forward, thats OK! Click Finish
- Right click on the project > Team > Pull, it should successfully pull the current code from the repo
- Now delete your file with your name and commit and push!
- You are now all set up to begin pushing commits to the repo!
This work is published under the Eclipse Public License 1.0, see LICENSE for more details.