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Add support for category tree
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rubenreyes2000 committed Jun 15, 2016
1 parent d658860 commit c4332db
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 25 deletions.
102 changes: 77 additions & 25 deletions flexicontent.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class JMapFilePluginFLEXIcontent implements JMapFilePlugin {
* @param JRegistry The object holding configuration parameters for the plugin and data source
* @param JDatabase $db The database connector object
* @param JMapModel $sitemapModel The sitemap model object reference, it's needed to manage limitStart, limitRows properties and affected_rows state
* @return array
* This function must return an associative array as following:
* $returndata['items'] -> It's the mandatory objects array of elements, it must contain at least title and routed link fields
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,41 +78,41 @@ public function getSourceData(JRegistry $pluginParams, JDatabase $db, JMapModel
if($catScope) {
// Exclude categories
$cats = $pluginParams->get('cats');
if(is_array($cats)) $catScopeQuery = "\n AND NOT IN ( " . implode(',', $cats) . " )";
if(is_array($cats)) $catScopeQuery = " AND NOT IN ( " . implode(',', $cats) . " )";
else {
// Include categories
$cats = $pluginParams->get('cats');
if(is_array($cats)) $catScopeQuery = "\n AND IN ( " . implode(',', $cats) . " )";
if(is_array($cats)) $catScopeQuery = " AND IN ( " . implode(',', $cats) . " )";

// ACL
$aclQueryItems = "\n AND #__content.access IN ( " . implode(',', $accessLevel) . " )";
$aclQueryCategories = "\n AND #__categories.access IN ( " . implode(',', $accessLevel) . " )";
$aclQueryItems = " AND #__content.access IN ( " . implode(',', $accessLevel) . " )";
$aclQueryCategories = " AND #__categories.access IN ( " . implode(',', $accessLevel) . " )";

// Retrieve records
$itemsQuery = "SELECT" .
"\n," .
"\n #__content.alias," .
"\n #__content.title," .
"\n #__content.catid," .
"\n #__content.modified AS " . $db->quoteName('lastmod') . "," .
"\n #__content.publish_up," .
"\n #__content.metakey" .
"\n FROM " . $db->quoteName('#__content') .
"\n JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__categories') . " ON #__content.catid =" .
"\n WHERE" .
"\n #__categories.published = 1" .
"\n AND #__content.state = 1" .
"," .
" #__content.alias," .
" #__content.title," .
" #__content.catid," .
" #__content.modified AS " . $db->quoteName('lastmod') . "," .
" #__content.publish_up," .
" #__content.metakey" .
" FROM " . $db->quoteName('#__content') .
" JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__categories') . " ON #__content.catid =" .
" WHERE" .
" #__categories.published = 1" .
" AND #__content.state = 1" .
$aclQueryItems .
$aclQueryCategories .
$catScopeQuery .
"\n AND (#__content.language = '*' OR #__content.language = '' OR #__content.language = " . $db->quote($langTag) . ")" .
//"\n AND #__content.trash = 0" .
"\n AND (#__content.publish_down > NOW() OR #__content.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')" .
"\n ORDER BY" .
"\n #__categories.title ASC," .
"\n #__content.title ASC";
" AND (#__content.language = '*' OR #__content.language = '' OR #__content.language = " . $db->quote($langTag) . ")" .
//" AND #__content.trash = 0" .
" AND (#__content.publish_down > NOW() OR #__content.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')" .
" #__categories.title ASC," .
" #__content.title ASC";

// Check if a limit for query rows has been set, this means we are in precaching process by JS App client
if(!$sitemapModel->limitRows) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,14 +141,66 @@ public function getSourceData(JRegistry $pluginParams, JDatabase $db, JMapModel
$itemsByCats = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$item->link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->id . ':' . $item->alias, $item->catid));
$itemsByCats[$item->catid][] = $item;
// Sort by URL
usort($items, function($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a->link, $b->link);
return strcmp($a->link, $b->link);
$returndata['items'] = $items; // Assign items
$returndata['items_tree'] = $itemsByCats; // Assign items grouped by category

// Get item categories
$catsQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT" .
" AS " . $db->quoteName('category_id') . "," .
" #__categories.alias AS " . $db->quoteName('category_alias') . "," .
" #__categories.title AS " . $db->quoteName('category_title') .
" FROM #__categories" .
" WHERE #__categories.published = 1" .
" AND (#__categories.extension = 'com_content' OR #__categories.extension = 'system')" .
$catScopeQuery .
$aclQueryCategories .
" ORDER BY #__categories.lft";
$totalItemsCats = $db->loadObjectList();
if ($db->getErrorNum ()) {
throw new JMapException(JText::sprintf('COM_JMAP_ERROR_RETRIEVING_DATA_FROM_PLUGIN_DATASOURCE', $db->getErrorMsg()), 'warning');

// Get category tree
$catsTreeQuery = "SELECT" .
" #__categories.parent_id AS " . $db->quoteName('parent') . "," .
" AS " . $db->quoteName('child') .
" FROM #__categories" .
" WHERE #__categories.published = 1" .
" AND (#__categories.extension = 'com_content' OR #__categories.extension = 'system')" .
$catScopeQuery .
$totalItemsCatsTree = $db->setQuery($catsTreeQuery)->loadAssocList('child');
if ($db->getErrorNum ()) {
throw new JMapException(JText::sprintf('COM_JMAP_ERROR_RETRIEVING_DATA_FROM_PLUGIN_DATASOURCE', $db->getErrorMsg()), 'warning');

$catsTree = array();
if(is_array($totalItemsCats) && count($totalItemsCats)) {
foreach ($totalItemsCats as &$childCat) {
$childCat->category_link = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($childCat->category_id));
$parentCat = $totalItemsCatsTree[$childCat->category_id]['parent'];
// Skip root category
if($parentCat != 0) {
// Set parent id 0 to level 1 categories
if($parentCat == 1) $parentCat = 0;
$catsTree[$parentCat][] = $childCat;

$returndata['categories_tree'] = $catsTree;

return $returndata;


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