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KilaBash edited this page Mar 12, 2025 · 8 revisions

Base Commands

  • /photon particle_editor: open the particle editor.
  • /photon_client clear_particles: remove all photon particles.
  • /photon_client clear_fx_cache: clear cache of photon fx. (you should call it, if you make changes to an existing FX file).

Binding Commands

Use these commands to emit particles to a given position or bind it to an entiy.

prefix: /photon fx fxFile type ... [offset(3*number)] [rotation(3*number)] [scale(3*number)] [delay] [force death] [allow multi] ...


  • fxFile (required) - the resource location of fx file. (e.g. mod_id:filename => assets/mod_id/fx/filename.fx)
  • type(required) - block or entity.
  • offset [default value: 0 0 0] - emitter offset based on basic position in three number.
  • delay [default value: 0] - emitting delay time.
  • force death [default value: false] - whether to remove all particles directly when the bound object invalid or natural death. for example, if false, emitter will notify and wait all particle death when the block invalid. if true, emitter will remove and particles from rendering and ticking immediately when the block invalid.
  • allow multi [default value: false] - Allows multiple identical effects (same effect name) to be bound to a same object.

Binding a Block

format: /photon fx fxFile block position(3*number) [offset(3*number)][rotation(3*number)] [scale(3*number)] [delay] [force death] [allow multi] [check state]

example: /photon fx photon:fire block ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 false false false


  • position (required) - block position in three number.
  • check state - check blockstate same. if false, effect will be invalid when the block change. If true, effect will also be invalid when its states changed. [default value: false]

Binding Entities

format: /photon fx fxFile entity entities(entity selector) [offset(3*number)] [rotation(3*number)] [scale(3*number)] [delay] [force death] [allow multi]

example: /photon fx photon:fire entity @e[type=minecraft:minecart, distance=..1] 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 false false false


  • entities (required) - entities selector as vanilla command.
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