####dailySitings Manifesto The idea behind this is to practice what you have learnt and to avoid forgetting it. This was inspired by Jennifer Dewalt's 180 sites in 180 days. This is not limited to websites; its for any project you want to build to enhance your coding knowledge. You don't have to put pressure on yourself by building advanced stuff from the beginning, the idea is to progress naturally and cement your basic understanding.
#####What you will do:
- Make a website from scratch every single day.
- Apply the knowledge you already have to do this.
- You can use frameworks that you know already(jQuery, Bootstrap etc)
- As you progress, try to make you sites more complex.
- Use coding convections like:
- Use meanignful variable names
- Comment your code
- Refactor your code (D.R.Y)
- Push everything to Github
- On the last day of the week you will have to someone's code and work on it. This is to encourage working working on and with open source code.
- You will have to do this every single day.
- Spend little time on these projects as possible.
- When submitting to Github
make sure to write a small description about your project. i.e Include the technoligies used, and what the project is about.
- Set up your folder like this:
- dailySitings
- day_1
- index.html
- app.js
- custom.css
- This is just an example.Make sure every project is in its own folder.
If there are any changes you would like to see on this, make a pull request!:+1: