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Releases: LlamaEdge/whisper-api-server

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.4.0

11 Feb 14:00
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Major changes:

  • (NEW) Reset model params after each transcription/translation task
  • (BREAKING) Remove use_new_context request param

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.9

08 Jan 09:32
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Major changes:

  • (New) Support API key (see the start server section of README for details)
  • (New) Provide the /v1/files endpoint for uploading, removing, and listing files
  • Upgrade dependencies:
    • wavup v0.1.5
    • endpoints v0.23.2
    • llama-core v0.25.3

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.8

10 Dec 07:47
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Major changes:

  • Upgrade wavup to v0.1.4
    • Improve the support for multi-channel audio in trim_ending_silence func
  • Upgrade llama-core to v0.24.1
    • Keep the metadata state of whisper-api-server same as whisper plugin

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.7

09 Dec 10:54
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Major changes:

  • Added the use_new_context field in the requests of transcriptions and translations to decide if creating a new whisper computation context for each request

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.6

28 Nov 13:25
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Major changes:

  • Improve language and detect_language request params
  • Upgrade wavup dep to 0.1.3
    • Improve the design of trimming tailing silence audio samples

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.5

27 Nov 04:55
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Major changes:

  • Upgrade wavup dep to optimize the trimming process

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.3

22 Nov 14:11
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Major changes:

  • Support input audio files

    • formats: caf, isomp4, mkv, ogg, aiff, wav
    • codecs: aac, adpcm, alac, flac, mp1, mp2, mp3, pcm, vorbis
    • Fixed #3
  • Trim the ending silence

    • Fixed #4

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.2

12 Nov 09:16
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Major changes:

  • New endpoints

    • GET /v1/files/{file_id}: Retrieve information of a specific file by id
    • DELETE /v1/files/{file_id}: Remove a specific file by id
  • Upgrade to llama-core v0.22.0

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.1

06 Nov 08:48
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Major changes:

  • New CLI options:

    • threads: Number of threads to use during computation. Defaults to 4.
    • processors: Number of processors to use during computation. Defaults to 1.
    • task: Task type. Default to full. Possible values: transcribe, translate, full
    • port: Port number. Defaults to 8080.
  • Support new fields of transcription requests

    • language: The language of the input audio. Defaults to en.
    • temperature: Sampling temperature, between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.00.
    • prompt: Text to guide the model's style or continue a previous audio segment. Defaults to none
    • max_len: Maximum number of tokens that the model can generate in a single transcription segment (or chunk). Defaults to 0.
    • split_on_word: Split audio chunks on word rather than on token. Defaults to false.
    • detect_language: Automatically detect the spoken language in the provided audio input. Defaults to false.
    • offset_time: Time offset in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
    • duration: Length of audio (in seconds) to be processed starting from the point defined by the offset_time field (or from the beginning by default). Defaults to 0.
  • Support new fields for translation requests

    • detect_language: Automatically detect the spoken language in the provided audio input. Defaults to false.
    • offset_time: Time offset in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
    • duration: Length of audio (in seconds) to be processed starting from the point defined by the offset_time field (or from the beginning by default). Defaults to 0.
    • max_len: Maximum number of tokens that the model can generate in a single transcription segment (or chunk). Defaults to 0.
    • split_on_word: Split audio chunks on word rather than on token. Defaults to false.

LlamaEdge-Whisper 0.3.0

23 Sep 11:31
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Major change:

  • Remove the support for /v1/audio/speech endpoint. The endpoint will be supported in the coming tts-api-server.