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Memory Module

Sam edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

The memory module displays basic information about your RAM, namely the capacity and amount of it used.


Insert into the modules array.


  • title -> (String) The module title.
  • format -> (String) The format used to display the module. Check below to see available placeholders.
  • title_color -> (Optional/String) Override the title color to be used.
  • title_bold -> (Optional/Bool) Make the title bold.
  • title_italic -> (Optional/Bool) Make the title italic.
  • separator -> (Optional/Char) Override the separator to be used.
  • progress_left_border -> (Optional/Char) The left border character of the progress bar.
  • progress_right_border -> (Optional/Char) The right border character of the progress bar.
  • progress_progress -> (Optional/Char) The character used to fill in the progress bar.
  • progress_empty -> (Optional/Char) The character used to fill in empty space in the progress bar.
  • progress_target_length -> (Optional/Number) The target length of the progress bar.
  • use_ibis -> (Optional/Bool) Override whether to display in 'ibibytes instead of 'gabytes.
  • decimal_places -> (Optional/Number) Override the decimal places to be displayed.
format placeholders;
  • {used} -> The used RAM in the system.
  • {max} -> The total RAM in the system.
  • {bar} -> A "progress bar" display of the memory used/available.
  • {percent} -> The percentage of RAM used.
Default Configuration
title = "Memory"
format = "{used} / {max} ({percent})"


modules = [

title = "RAM"
format = "{used} used of {max} @ {percent}"